The RainyDayKitchen folks hosted the 2014 FirstGrill event last weekend. The weather was perfect, the four grills were running nonstop, and we ate way more food than we thought possible. A big reason for it maybe because we had marinated the meats with Famous Dave's marinates and rubs :-)

Famous Dave's are known for their sauces and rubs. We went with the BBQ Variety HOT Pack as it contained a nice sampling of ones we most wanted to taste:
- Famous Dave's Rib Rub 5.5 ounces
- Famous Dave's Country Roast Chicken Seasoning 5.25 ounces
- Famous Dave's Devil's Spit Sauce 19 ounces
- Famous Dave's Hot & Sassy Sauce 20 ounces
- Famous Dave's Pork Marinade 12 ounces
- Famous Dave's Beef Marinade 12 ounces
- Famous Dave's Signature Spicy Pickle Spears 24 ounces (Note: not in photo as we had ate them all!)

When we BBQ, we typically use sauces to flavor the meats, but we have recently got turned on to rubs. Of course, for FirstGrill, we did both. Still, we find that rubs work especially well on juicier parts such as drumsticks and thighs, and judging by what disappeared first, our guests favored them as well.

Along with the meats, this year we had two grills dedicated to vegetarian offerings. Portebello mushrooms, bell peppers, and onions are excellent when grilled. When cooked together, they pick up flavors from each other as well as a smoky taste from the flames. Also on the grills were two different kinds of home-made veggie burgers (lentils, broccoli). These were not dried or bland like store-bought veggie patties, which explained why they disappeared just as quickly as the meat-based ones.

We used to serve the traditional potato, cole slaw, and other similar salads at FirstGrill. The past few years, RainyDayKitchen folks wanted to stretch their wings a bit and serve something different. The only thing is they had to be interesting, tasty, AND easy to make. This year, they found three salads which were aces in all three criteria:

The FirstGrill event was quite the success thanks to the sauces, the prep work, and most of all, the RainyDayCrew! We like to wish our readers another tasty season of grilling and eating. BTW, if you do come to a RainyDayKitchen event, remember that the rule is ..."nobody leaves until all the food is gone!!!" Plan accordingly. [Permalink] - FirstGrill 2014