It was a PERFECT day for a RibFest. The temperature was a balmy 83º, the air was dry, and a light breeze kept the bugs away. We couldn't have asked for a better day.
There were enough folks coming that we decided to fire up all three grills again. Now that we've had some experience setting up the grills, it was a quick no-fuss task. It also meant we had plenty of time to grab a beer before the guests start arriving.

The Coleman RoadTrip Grill LXE was tasked with both the ribs and the London Broil. The two individually controlled burner allowed us to have two different temp setting going at once...quite convenient.

The chicken (for the vegetarians) were assigned to the Weber as were some of the pork flavored with the mushroom dry rub. We decided to place the rack of ribs on the Thermos Grill2Go because it had the long horizontal burner. We thought the Thermos would do the best job of cooking it evenly.
We also had time to make some fun little parting gifts (BBQ fridge magnets, Dry Rub instructions) with our Xyron 900 laminator. This laminator is so easy to use that the time between idea and "parting gifts" creation was about 15 minutes.

Trimming the cards took up most of the 15 minutes :-) The interns thought hand cutting the little BBQ grill fridge magnets in to fun little shapes would add a little whimsey...clever kids.

We used the Xyron magnetic laminating sheets to make these fridge magnets and dry rub instruction tips. The clear plastic lamination is great for protecting often used recipe cards.
No worries about grabbing the recipe cards with your messing hands because the BBQ sauce will just wipe right off :-) The convenient magnetic backing also means it can be tacked it up on the fridge and refer to it while prepping.

The results were outstanding. Our guests were treated to six different kinds of Dave's Gourmet flavor infused meats. We were too busy eating and drinking to take any kind of survey, but it is safe to say that ALL the dry rubs were a HUGE hit with the crowd. If you want a quick and elegant way of spicing up grilling meats without having to do a lot of work, you can't go wrong with the dry rubs from Dave's Gourmet!