There is nothing like a few days of steady rain to give us some space to think up new DIY projects, such as homemade terrariums. We came up with a 10-minute RainyDayProject of making little desktop terrariums out of small jars, tiny cups, and whatever little bottles we had laying about. The best are the glass ones with a lid or a stopper.

When the sun finally came out and things dried up a bit, we ventured outside and looked for moss suitable for the project. Once we started looking, we found interesting growth everywhere. Without really knowing which would work well in a terrarium, we just dug up patches that appeared dense and robust.

The moss we found in the RainyDayGarden lifted out in a mat-like clump. We tried to select clumps which had a few different textures in a small area. No special tools were required, but a small utensil with a pointy end worked best in digging out the moss with the least amount of damage.

We placed some colored glass pieces at the bottom of the container so there would be space for water to drain. After a bit of experimentation, we realized that it was best to break around the clump (similar to nibbling around an Oreo) until it was the size we needed (do NOT nibble the moss). Some of the moss we picked was kind of spongy, so it was possible to squeeze the clump into an opening and let it expand back to fill the diameter of the jar.

For containers with a larger opening, we were able to patch different clumps together to create our own groupings. Tweezers and small tongs can be helpful in the placement of the clumps, but you can really use whatever you readily have available (chopsticks, toothpicks, etc). The main thing is to try to put together interesting texture combinations, so don't be afraid to experiment.

Once the moss has been laid out, gently pat it down, and water it. We used the tiny mister that came with the mushroom growing kit to wet things down, but you can use an eyedropper or even a spoon. Take care not to flood the jar as the entire moss may start to float. We also left the tops off overnight to give the excess moisture a chance to evaporate.

We think these little terrariums are quite attractive, can be placed anywhere, and are inexpensive to make. They also should be quite easy to maintain...just a light misting every other day or as needed. The best part is that they are a nice, simple project for the next time you are looking for a diversion on a rainy day. [Permalink] - Tiny Terrariums