Laptops run hot. Some run so hot that they can be uncomfortable when used on a lap. However, if recent research is to be believed, EMF and Wi-Fi radiation may also be a problem. Of course, the concerns are not universally accepted. According to the CDC, “evidence for production of harmful biological effects is ambiguous and unproven.” Still, whether EMF or Wi-Fi radiation poses a problem, there is no doubt that heat from the laptop alone can be a issue.

Whether we need to be concerned about EMF or Wi-Fi radiation is not yet clear, but those concerned and want to err on the side of safety can find two well-made solutions from Digital Innovations. Even if future researchs show the caution to be excessive, the shields will still keep the lap cool while giving good support for the laptop.

Digital Innovation's LapGuard are similar to other laptop coolers and stands (Futura, Attache, CushTop, iRocks, Z-Lift) we have looked at in the past. The difference is the LapGuard is the only one with cooling fans designed specifically for use on the lap. Other features are:
- Metal top with rubber ridge
- Retractable USB cable
- Variable-speed fan control
- USB powered fans
- Wedge-shaped and padded
- Measures 15.5" (diagonally)

There are two different versions of the LapGuard. Both versions have the aluminium layer on top. The aluminium acts both as heat conductor and a rigid surface for the laptop. The backs of the two LapGuards are slightly different. One is flat and the other is shaped as a wedge. The flat one is more transportable, but the wedge-shaped unit may be more comfortable for some users.

While we have no way of verifying the safety claims, what we can do is tell you whether the LapGuard is a decent laptop cooler. Look for our FirstUse report in the Spring. [Permalink] - Digital Innovations LapGuard