The cost of the Kindle Fire is $199, which is an amazing price considering how much tech Amazon packed into the tablet. We managed to get it for just $20. How did we do it? The Amazon credit card . Instead of getting a card which gives us free airline miles, we picked the Amazon card because everyday purchases like gas, food, and groceries automatically earns us points
toward the purchase of anything on the Amazon site.

We never really look at how many points we have, as we normally just apply the accumulated points toward whatever we're purchasing (i.e., we don't save them up). So, when we placed the pre-order for the Kindle Fire fully expecting to pay $199, we just applied whatever our "available points" were and put the rest on the card. Final cost...$20.01. AND, the $20.01 generated points for additional purchases!

Amazon, like Apple, is always striving to under-promise and over-deliver. When the purchase was placed, the estimated delivery date was between Nov 21st and the 29th. Actual delivery date? Nov 16th! It caught us a little by surprise as we had scheduled the review of the Kindle Fire with those dates in mind. In fact, the RainyDayMagazine office will be closed for the next two weeks so everyone here can prepare for, enjoy, AND recover from the Thanksgiving Holiday.

However, we wouldn't leave you all hanging without posting a few pics of the "unboxing" of the just arrived Kindle Fire. Amazon took an interesting approach with the packing of the Fire. The shipping box and product package for the Fire is a single integrated unit. The Kindle Fire is cradled in a protective well in the center of the box. The padding is made using recyclable press-formed paper. Very minimal packaging and very nicely done.

We will be back on December 5th for the start of the Holiday Season with the first in the 2011 RainyDayMagazine Holiday Gift Guide series. We wish you all a great Thanksgiving break!!! [Permalink] - $20 Kindle Fire unboxing