Every few years we make the drive from Boston to the giant, outdoor, practically the whole town, antique show out in Brimfield. We go, not because we are big antiquers, but because we love the idea of poking around in other people's attics.

The awesome thing about the Brimfield Antique Show is its hallmark organized chaos. We have been to the show a few times and have realized that long-time vendors are situated in approximately the same location year after year. Other than that, it is just one big jumbo. If you are looking for something specific, somebody at this show probably has it, but good luck finding that vendor! With a show this huge, there are many quality sellers, but there are also quite a few just having garage sales. Of course, that is precisely the fun of these shows. One is never sure what one will find.

Of course, not all of the things at the Brimfield show are antiques. A lot of artists, craftsmen, and artisans also attend and show off their wares. One piece of work which caught our eye was this table from Log Cabin Country Primitives (probably because it reminded us a little of the table we made a year ago using a steel cart and a door). The top is made from reclaimed wood and steel. It is rare to find large boards of that thickness and grain structure. The piece will look at home in either a modern loft or a country home. We are happy that the wood has been given a second life as a functional piece of art.

Another cool item we stumbled upon was this rack of old-school pull-down science posters from Jersey Ice Cream Co. The rack would have looked great in our office, but at $1000 for the set, we just couldn't justify the expense. However, seeing them gave us some ideas for a RainyDayRenovation DIY project!

The Brimfield Antique Show ends this Sunday. Bargain hunters know that the last day is the best day to snag a deal as most sellers would rather take home cash than have to pack up and transport that giant antique dresser, chair, etc... Even better for buyers is the forecast for rain. So if you serious, bring cash, keep haggling, and maybe you too WILL bring home that piece you have been searching for at a fraction of what it would cost in the stores. [Permalink] - Brimfield Antique Show