
September 30, 2004 |
Many of the digital cameras companies have waterproof cases designed specifically for their units.

That's all great, but the cost for all this customization is not cheap. However, the folks at AquaPac have a lower cost option for the occasional snorkeler. [More...]
The hurricanes have done a number on the travel industry this past month. The Saving Sleuths over at MSNBC managed to dig up some amazing cruise saving ($44/day!). So if you are in the mood for a quick trip down to the Caribbean, go check 'em out. [More...]
September 28, 2004 |
Power...you can't ever have enough of it, especially for running your gear! However, the folks at Voltaic has created a pack not just for

hauling around all that gear, but also to help keep it going. [More...]
September 27, 2004 |
Wristwatches are things that's near and dear to my heart :-) I don't know what it is about them, but I love 'em.

So when Suunto annouced their D9 All-In-One Dive Computer...it was close enough to a watch that I had to go and check it out! [More...]
September 24, 2004 |
Sometimes you just don't want to rough it when you are on the road...well, mostly Carolyn doesn't want to rough it when we are on the road :-)

If you want to make your girl happy on those occasions, surprise her with one of these Esprite Nomade Travel Kits. [More...]
I love Merrell's hiking boots... now they have a line of bags to go with their boots. [More...]
September 23, 2004 |
I read a review in the WSJ last week comparing these digital cameras,

but I couldn't find a free link for it until now...so here it is [More...]
I liked being pleasantly surprised :-) Even better that it came from one of the places that holds a special place in my heart growing up...Radio Shack.

This unit is from SMaL Camera Technologies. I'll give a full review when I get a chance to play with it more! [More...]
I came across a camera comparison this morning that is pretty cool...done by Duncan Koza. [More...]

September 22, 2004 |
Panasonic announced their updates to the DSnap line...nice models.
Somewhere on this report is a link where you can get a closer look at the actual cameras :-) [More...]
September 21, 2004 |
It looks like everybody is announcing their "pro" digital camera this month! Fuji just annouced their 12.3 megapixel FinePix S3 Pro.
It is going to be fun! [More...]
September 20, 2004 |
Just how much stuff can be cramped into a gadget that will fit into your pocket? Don't know? Well, how about at least 6?

Count 'em...MPEG4 video camera, digital still camera, TV/video recorder, digital photo frame, MP3 player and voice recorder. [More...]
When I go visit my friend in NYC, I usually crash on the couch.

This little item from REI will make it a bit easier for them. Now they won't have to wash the sheets after I leave ... ah, I assume they wash the sheets :-) [More...]
My Japanese is pretty bad...

but I'm betting that says 16.7megapixel CMOS sensor in this new Canon EOS-1. [More...]
September 17, 2004 |
LED flashlights have been out a while now, but I have not had a chance until now to play with one. [More...]
Need to trim down on the amount of gear you bring on vacation?

Well, if you MUST, then check out this new unit from Sony. It is not on the market yet, but Jeff Keller over at DCRP did get a test unit to play with. It looks like it can replace some bulkier gear if you must travel light. [More...]
September 16, 2004 |
There is a new Nikon in town...and it has a 12.4 megapixel sensor!

The camera is able to shoot 5 frames per second at that resolution. However, if you need to catch more action, step down the resolution to 6.8 megapixels and shoot at a blistering 8 fps. [More...]
The future of digital video is tapeless.

For some, the future will be here in October. This unit records in MPEG2...which is basically DVD quality video. So if you have $1200 burning a hole in you pocket, then go to Amazon and pre-order one :-) [More...]
September 15, 2004 |
Anything that would get us through airport security faster is worth taking a look.

Getting us through the ritual in style is even better :-) [More...]
Let me say upfront that I'm NOWHERE cool enough to wear these MP3 glasses :-)

However, I'm positive there are plenty of you out there that are. [More...]
September 14, 2004 |
Normally I don't get too excited about cellphones, but this one from Samsung deserve a mention.
The 3 megapixel camera/video clip phone has the one feature that makes it actually useful on a daily basis...
f you absolutely have to bring a computer with you on vacation (and sometimes I do, OK most time I don't, but I do anyway)

this OQO unit is what you want to bring. [More...]
September 13, 2004 |
Can you remember how you got there?

Well, good for you. I, however, need one of these to get me back to where I came from. [More...]
You never know when you'll get stranded on a desert island...but if you did, you would want to have this kit in you pocket.