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March 30,2012- The Hunger Games Trilogy... |
We are huge fans of audio books. Listening to audio books lets us still work, drive, or do other things. Some audio books will even teach us a thing or two (Genius In All of Us, Buyology). Our favorite is the Harry Potter series as performed by Jim Dale. We have listened to the entire seven book series (117 hours) three times already. A close second is the His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman. Last weekend, like millions of other folks, we saw The Hunger Games . We liked the movie so much we decided to read the book, or rather, listen to the entire series (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay).

Like the other two (Harry Potter, His Dark Materials) series, The Hunger Games is about ordinary children doing extraordinary things. Unlike the other two, The Hunger Games is a lot more unflinching in its commentary on violence and politics. While we thought the movie was good, the screenplay must have had to pick and choose from the book. We wanted to learn all the... [more] -The Hunger Games Trilogy: Audiobook Series
March 29,2012- Amazon Fire Cases... |
We have had the Amazon Fire for a few month. While it is no iPad, the Amazon Fire is, when all things are considered, the best price/performance ratio for any Android tablet available. The interface is responsive and the display is very sharp. As we mostly use the Fire for reading, the battery life has been fantastic (over a week before requiring a charge). With the iPad as our default mobile device, we have not taken the Fire outside at all. Consequently, we have not felt a need to get a case for it.

However, quite a few readers were interested in a recommendation and have been inquiring when we would be doing a "Best Of Breed" review of cases for the Amazon Fire. After some research, we came to the conclusion that the offerings from the established case makers (Marware , Incipio , Belkin , Sena , etc.) were so similar that it would be splitting hairs to try to differentiate between them. We really wanted to find a few that... [more] -Amazon Fire Cases FirstLook
March 28,2012- Cooking For A Cause... |
Join us for an unforgettable evening featuring the area’s finest chefs, mixologists, wines, beer, spirits, dessert and coffee vendors. Cooking for a Cause will be an unforgettable evening of cuisine, cocktails, wine, and entertainment.

Don't miss the culinary talents of some of the area's top chefs, led by Culinary Chair Jason Santos of Blue, Inc., and the creative cocktails of the hottest mixologists in the city, led by Wine Chair Tom Schlesinger-Guidelli of Island Creek Oyster Bar. Joining them are award-winning wineries and local brews.

The live and silent auctions are full of unique and exciting items for all tastes. From tropical getaways to Boston sports tickets to one-of-a-kind chef culinary experiences, there is something for everyone.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the East End House. East End House community center uses a holistic approach to promote the well-being, academic achievement, and successful transition to adulthood of children and youth from under-resourced families in Cambridge and surrounding communities. As part of this approach, East End House provides support services to a diverse population, from infants to seniors, to strengthen family and community.
Tickets are going fast. Don't miss out. You will not find a better time or a more worthy cause in Boston this Friday! [Permalink] - Cooking For A Cause
March 27,2012- Craftsman Tool Chest... |
In January, we acquired a Craftsman stainless steel GripLatch tool chest for our workshop. We had some reservations about fitting it into the shop as the chest was 41" wide. However, it was so nice and shiny that we thought we would give it a go. Try as we might, we just could not find a good location for it. In the end, we decided to replace it with something more appropriately sized for the space we had available.

Fortunately for us, an auto mechanic was looking to offload a Craftsman tool chest combo he no longer needed. After a bit of online negotiation we were able to come to a mutually satisfactory arrangement. After all was said and done--selling the stainless steel unit and buying these two pieces--we actually came out a couple of... [more] -Craftsman 26" GripLatch Tool chest
March 26,2012- CraftBoston 2012... |
The CraftBoston show was at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston this weekend. Similar to the Paradise City Art Festive, it is a venue for artists and artisans of contemporary arts and crafts to showcase their work. We have heard about this show, but have never been to it. We were glad we had a chance to stop by and check it out.

This is CraftBoston's 11th year. The show had over 200 artists from across the country. Some of them have exhibited before, but many of them were new to the show. Besides the exhibits, there were... [more] -CraftBoston 2012
March 23,2012- Gatco Knife Sharper... |
A blade with a sharp edge is much safer than a blade with a dull edge. The reason is simple: a blade with a keen edge will cut with less effort, which means a decreased likelihood of the blade slipping and accidentally cutting yourself. There are a lot of ways to sharpen a blade, but it is important to use sharpening tools correctly.

The improper use of a sharpener can actually make a blade duller. Some sharpeners are designed to put a quick edge on inexpensive knives, scissors, and other cutting instruments. Others are specifically designed for... [more] -Gatco Knife Sharpeners: FirstLook
March 22,2012- Spring Cleaning:Shear tuning... |
The recent high-temps got lots or people out cleaning and working on their garden, and we were no exception. After trying to trim some dead branches from the shrubs, we noticed our shears and pruners were doing more crushing than cutting. As the cutters were otherwise in good shape, we thought we would see if we could give the blades a sharpening.

Unlike a pair of scissors, most gardening loppers and pruners are single-bladed. In order to have the best access to the blade, take the cutter apart. Typically, there is a central bolt holding... [more] -Spring Cleaning: Shear Tuning
March 21,2012- Spring Cleaning... |
Winter air is low in moisture. The dry air can lead to all kinds of respiratory irritations. The best way to alleviate the situation is to add moisture back into the air with the aid of a humidifier. The cost is minimal (pennies per day), but the benefits can be significant. We recommend getting a unit which can detect the ambient humiditiy. This way, you can just leave it on and it will kick in when necessary.

While our unit has a built-in germ-killing UV light, it is unclear as what is being sanitized (air, water, etc.). As the humidifier filter is in direct contact with water, it is the perfect environment for all kinds of undesirable cultures to flourish. Now that the weather is getting warmer and the air more moist, our unit has been kicking on less and less. It won't be long before we'll be... [more] -Spring Cleaning: Humidifier Filter Replacement
March 20,2012- Spring Cleaning: Zerust ... |
Today it is the first day of Spring. It is also the start of our Spring cleaning around the office. One of the projects we really want to complete is the reorganization of our workshop. We have quite a few tools and we have been conscientiously organizing them so that they would be easier to access. However, there is still quite a bit left to do. Last year, the interns spent a lot of time and effort scouring Craigslist for a workbench, tool chests, and other workshop-related storage so we could have a place for everything. They have been very successful. Now it is time to put everything in its place.

However, since the workshop is in the basement, we want to make sure there won't be rust problems from the humidity, especially during the Summer months (when we need a dehumidifier down there). We could spray the metal tools with a light oil to keep the moisture out, but the approach is not appropriate for every tool. In January, we told readers about the Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) infused drawer liners and capsules from Zerust. The liners were exactly what we needed for... [more] -Spring Cleaning: Easy Rust Prevention
March 19,2012- What would get us to upgrade? |
After two years of phenomenal sales and every skeptic being roundly embarrassed for dismissing the iPad, we think it is safe to say the tablet is here to stay. While we don't think that iPad sales have peaked, we do believe that the basic hardware feature set (multi-touch screen, camera, WiFi, etc.) is starting to stabilize. Not seeing any "must-have" features, we were not surprised to find ourselves holding back and not immediately upgrading to the iPad 3. Instead, we asked the question "What would get us to upgrade?"

Some may remember our attempt at building a directly-on-screen pressure-sensitive tablets back in 2008. We had some success, but the display's lack of brightness finally made us realize that if we really wanted such a tablet, we needed to... [more] -What would get us to upgrade?
March 16,2012- WHAT? Not upgrading?... |
Those who read RainyDayMagazine frequently know that we have been huge cheerleaders for the iPad since Day 1. Also, you will not find a more fervent group of Apple fans out there than those here at RainyDayMagazine. Some of us can trace our Apple roots back to the 128K Mac days where we performed 512K RAM upgrades to make our own "Fat Macs." So it was SHOCKING to some when they heard that we have decided not to upgrade to the iPad3. Don't get us wrong, we have nothing against the new iPad. It IS the best tablet on the planet today.

We ordered the original iPad sight-unseen, then upgraded from the original to the iPad 2 when Apple added a camera to the tablet. Physically the iPad 2 was different than the original iPad and we needed it to test the new accessories. Those two reasons justified our last iPad upgrade. While this new iPad 3 may have an... [more] -What? Not upgrading?
March 15,2012- Spring Already?... |
How different this Winter was from that of a year ago! We hardly had any snow this season. Coupled with the unseasonably warm weather the past week, and things in the RainyDayGarden really got kicked into gear. The growth in the garden is probably a week or more ahead of schedule.

The dwarf irises and crocuses have been out since the end of February. The tulips, day lilies, and even the peonies have poked through the ground. In fact, this is the earliest we we can recall the... [more] -Spring Already?
March 14,2012- Rocky Nook: Fuji X100... |
Digital cameras have improved quite a bit over the years. Their sensors have increased in resolution, shutter lag has all been but eliminated, and low-light sensitivity has improved to a point where it may actually be better than film. With all of these advancements, one would think that a digital camera would be unrecognizable compared to the cameras of yesteryear. However, the truth is oddly the opposite. The fact is, today's camera designers have taken stylistic cues from the past and modeled digital cameras to look and feel much like rangefinders (minus the LCD screen and a few discretely place LEDs) from decades ago.

We are, of course, referring to the Fuji FinePix X100 . When this camera was unveiled at Photokina 2010, it took the show and the photographic world by surprise. The Fuji X100 became an instant classic. By all accounts, the camera is a masterful piece of work. It was crafted out of... [more] -Rocky Nook:Mastering the Fuji X100
March 13,2012- Quadrivium... |
Quadrivium is a word derived from the Latin roots quad and via, which translates roughly as "a crossing of four roads." The idea of quadrivium can be traced back to the time of Pythagoras (around 500 BC) with the emphasis on the study of four fundamental subjects: arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. It eventually formed the basis of the European education structure later known as the seven liberal arts.

The quadrivium subjects are, of course, connected by mathematics: arithmetic is the study of numbers and their relationship to each other; geometry is the examination of how numbers relate to each other spatially; music is study of the relationship of numbers temporally; and astronomy is the study of numbers in both space and time. The mastery of the quadrivium was a... [more] -Quadrivium
March 12,2012- RISD: Paper Buffet... |
In 2008, we dropped Sarah, our RainyDayIntern, off at RISD. Sarah will be completing her studies this year. Last Thursday was the opening of Paper Buffet, RISD's Graphic Design Senior Show. We thought it was time for us to check in and see how she has fared.

The show was an opportunity for the seniors to showcase some of their work from the past four years. Kristin, Sarah's mom, flew in from L.A. for the occasion, but kept it a surprise. Both the show and the... [more] -RISD: Paper Buffet
March 9,2012- Boston ICA... |
Boston has an incredible waterfront, but amazingly has never really been developed. One of the reasons was that the Central Artery (Rt 93) had cut off the waterfront from the rest of the city. In 2003, the roadway was demolished and moved underground as part of the huge Big Dig project. This change has spurred all kinds of development in that part of Boston.

The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) was the recipient of the waterfront site for a "museum that would be the cultural cornerstone of the waterfront." The ICA broke ground on Fan Pier in September 2004 and on December 10, 2006 opened the first new art museum in Boston in nearly... [more] -Visit to the ICA
March 8,2012- Gaggia Vision: FirstUse... |
The Gaggia Vision first came to the office last March. We have been using it along with the Jura to caffeinate everyone in the office for the past year. We had planned to post a FirstLook in the Summer iPad issue of RainyDayMagazine. When we cancelled the iPad issue, we never posted a FirstUse of the unit. So here it is :-) Actually, this will be more of a FirstUse/InTheWild write-up.

The Gaggia Vision is easy to set up and easy to use. There are plenty of customizations (water temperature, strength, language, etc...) one can set on the machine to have things exactly as... [more] -Gaggia Vision: FirstUse
March 7,2012- MFA: Seeking Shambhala... |
In 1933, British author James Hilton wrote in Lost Horizon about a place of peace and happiness. This place, where the inhabitants were isolated from the ills of the world, was called "Shangri-la." Some have equated Hilton's "Shangri-la." with the mythical Tibetan Buddhist kingdom of Shambhala. Is "Shangri-la" or Shambhala a real place or just a state of mind? Some would argue that there is no difference. Regardless of one's personal view, visitors will enjoy MFA's new exhibit, Seeking Shambhala, an extraordinary look at the spiritual search of this mythical place.

The exhibition features more than 60 objects primarily from the MFA's collection, which has one of the largest sets of Shambhala kings paintings outside of Asia. Complementing these ancient paintings are... [more] -MFA: Seeking Shambhala
March 6,2012- Vixen Polarie Setup... |
When we went out to L.A., we took with us the Vixen Polarie on the chance that we would have an opportunity to give the Star Tracker a try. For expediency sake, we decided to leave the Velbon tripod at home. That was a mistake.

The problem was the tripod we had in L.A. was not as sturdy as we would have liked. Also, trying to set things up with just one ball joint was a lot more difficult than we expected. We did manage to get some usable shots, but we would have done a lot better had we... [more] -Vixen Polarie Setup
March 5,2012- Drumlin Farm... |
We have visited a few Mass Audubon sanctuaries (BNC, Blue Hills, etc...), but have never been to Drumlin Farm. Recently, we popped in for a look and were quite happy we did. Drumlin Farm is Mass Audubon’s flagship sanctuary, containing 232 acres of fields, forests, and ponds. The property features a sustainable working farm and a display of wildlife native to New England. The farm has a full-time staff of 25 people, in addition to 90+ seasonal teacher/naturalists, camp counselors, and farm apprentices.
It is the only facility of its kind in the Greater Boston area.

The farm was established in the early 1900s by Louise Gordon Hatheway and her family. The family maintained a working farm and invited city children to visit and learn about farm life. In the mid-1950s, as farms close to Boston began disappearing, Mrs. Hatheway was inspired to... [more] -Urban Safari: Drumlin Farm
March 2,2012- LimoLiner... |
What is the best way to get from Boston to NYC? Google Maps recommend taking I-95 all the way. MapQuest suggests going to the Mass Pike, take it to I-84, then switch to I-91, and finally pick up I-95 in Connecticut. Having driven both routes countless times over the years, we would actually recommend just taking the LimoLiner.

The LimoLiner is a luxury bus which goes between Boston and NYC three times a day. The seats on the LimoLiner are just like the... [more] -LimoLiner to NYC
March 1,2012- Jot iPad Stylus... |
Most iPad users are happy to interact with the screen using their fingers. However, in certain situations, some would prefer the feel of a stylus over that of a finger tip. The problem for iPad stylus makers is that, because of how a capacitative screen works, it is not possible to make a detectable pointer with a finely tipped end. This is the reason why all styli on the market looked like they have an eraser for a tip...until the Adonit Jot.

Adonit didn't rewrite the laws of physics. They did something much more clever. They changed the user's... [more] - Jot iPad Stylus
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