In 2008, we dropped Sarah, our RainyDayIntern, off at RISD. Sarah will be completing her studies this year. Last Thursday was the opening of Paper Buffet, RISD's Graphic Design Senior Show. We thought it was time for us to check in and see how she has fared.

The show was an opportunity for the seniors to showcase some of their work from the past four years. Kristin, Sarah's mom, flew in from L.A. for the occasion, but kept it a surprise. Both the show and the surprise went off perfectly.

There were about fifty posters in the exhibit, one for each graduating senior. Each student also had one of their physical pieces on display along with their poster. Anyone who has ever organized an exhibition will tell you that the logistics required to put a show like this together is huge. It was even more impressive when we heard the entire show was installed in a day.

The exhibit was very well received and we had a lot of fun at the reception. It was great to see how well our RainyDayIntern had turned out. Readers interested in taking a look will need to get to RISD soon. The exhibit will only be on view until tomorrow. [Permalink] - RISD: Paper Buffet