Hard to believe this is our sixth SausageFest! This year's event is going to the biggest one yet. We will have guests from Italy, some from Bermuda, and a big crowd of RainyDay friends from the New England area. We are looking forward to seeing what sausage entries will be at the event.

As in past years, our food sponsors have sent some goodies for the event. The Buffalo Guys have sent a nice sampling of their buffalo sausages and hot dogs. Their sausages have always been a crowd-pleaser! The Soda Club folks sent a few of our favorite Summer flavors, extra bottles, and an additional CO2 canister. They also sent a pack of flavors designed just for water. Making our own flavored soda is both a money-saver and a planet-saver. It is also a lot of fun!

To ensure that all the sausages will be grilled to the proper temperature, we have the latest in temperature probes from ThermoWorks. This new Thermapen is faster, more accurate, and now completely splash-proof.

Just like previous SausageFests, there are four different categories: Crowd Pleaser, Most Exotic, Best Non-Meat, and Best Homemade. Since SausageFest IS a competition, there are prizes for winners in each category. This year there will be LOTS of prizes. We have stuff from Tom Bihn, Slappa, Tamrac, American Innovative, OtterBox, and Saitek...just to name a few.

Even though this is quite the event for processed meats, vegetarian options will be available at the sampling table. Past experiences have indicated that approximately 25% of SausageFest guests are vegetarians. This year the numbers may be a high as 30%. We are close to Cambridge after all.

There will be three grills going. We look forward to seeing everyone and their sausage entries. Just remember...nobody leaves until all of the food is gone! The weather is looking good for the event. We'll have a write-up posted by Sunday...after we have recovered from the sausage coma. [Permalink] - SaudageFest 2009 Sponsors