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The interns were scanning Craigslist last week and came upon a listing in New Hampshire for a Meade telescope which looked good, but didn't come with any model number. Along with the mystery Meade in the photos was a heavy duty tripod and a lot of accessories (filters, camera mount, eyepieces). However, since it was a Schmidt-Cassegrain design we knew it was not an ETX series scope.

It was decided that the hour drive up North was worth the effort since Burt (the owner) sounded friendly on the phone and assured us the scope was...[More] - Wan Chi Lau
When Leatherman announced the Skeletool last year, RainyDayMagazine was one of the first in line waiting for a unit. We were hoping to get them under the trees of a few our our readers. Unfortunately, Leatherman decided to delay the holiday shipment. WHAT? Holidays are when merchandizers biggest sales. Why would anyone pass that up???

Apparently, Leatherman was not satisfied with the quality of the some of the units coming off the lines. Some companies would have let ...[More] - Wan Chi Lau
Microsoft will be holding their annual research TechFest today and tomorrow. It is a chance for Microsoft's researchers to demo some of the ideas and innovations which have been brewing in their labs, ideas such as an interaction technique for use with small device called "LucidTouch."

iPhone users sometimes may have wished they had "transparent" fingers for...[More] - Wan Chi Lau
There are a variety of ways (jacket, packs, knapsack) to carry the gear we use everyday. This harness system from Civilian Lab may be the most unique amongst all of the methods we have reviewed to date.

If you need to have easy access to lots of different gadgets, there is a Civilian Lab system which will suit your needs. If you want a system which ...[More] - Wan Chi Lau
Multi-lens, multiple-focus, 100 megapixel camera may sound like the realm of sci-fi. However, Adobe has already built a prototype to show off some of the capabilities of light-field photography.

This prototype works using 19 lenses to take images at ...[More] - Wan Chi Lau
180s are well known for their innovative winter gear for active folks. We have reviewed a few of their offerings (ExoLite, Training gloves, Mortise sunglasses) in the past.

This year, 180s introduced a line of gear to make it easier for those who want to take their digital devices with them when they venture outside during Winter. The Tec Stretch ear warmers with integrated speakers are such an example.

The elastic spine can accommodate most heads. The Tec Stretch is ...[More] - 180s
In our FirstLook of the Harman Kardon Drive+Play2 we gave an overview of the various parts which came in the package. Today, we'll do a bench test and take a look at how the pieces (display, hub, controller) work together.

Unlike the DP1, the DP2 hub is much smaller and may be powered in a few different ways. The simplest way is to power ...[More] - Drive+Play 2
By now everybody as heard Apple will be releasing the iPhone/iPod Touch SDK next week. For the past six months, we had been working on various iPod projects. Today we went out and picked up a few more iPods from our local Apple store.

When the Apple clerk was ringing up the sale, we realized these iPods would get trashed pretty quickly if we didn't get some cases for them. The problem is, knowing the folks here, the iPods would be out of their cases more often than not.

Remembering how well a protective film worked for our iPod nano, we decided to see what was available for the iPod Touch. We found a product called BodyGuardZ which ...[More] - BodyGuardz
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