When Leatherman announced the Skeletool last year, RainyDayMagazine was one of the first in line waiting for a unit. We were hoping to get them under the trees of a few our our readers. Unfortunately, Leatherman decided to delay the holiday shipment. WHAT? Holidays are when merchandizers biggest sales. Why would anyone pass that up???

Apparently, Leatherman was not satisfied with the quality of the some of the units coming off the lines. Some companies would have let those slip by to unsuspecting buyers and handle it when they fail in the field. However, that is not the Leatherman way.

They would rather delay one of their biggest launches in recent memory AND pass up on the 2007 shopping season rather than put something into the wild that may not live up to expectations. We can live with that.

Fast forward to March, the Skeletool is now shipping and it is phenomenal! The build quality, fit, and finish of the stainless steel version exceeded all of our expectations. This tool will feel right at home on display at MOMA or tucked in the glove compartment of a 20 year old pickup truck.

The Leatherman Skeletool is a minimalist's multi-tool. It has a pair of plier, a blade, wire cutters, bit driver, and a bottle opener. It is made of aluminium and stainless steel. Weight have been strategically removed from the structural components such that strength has not been compromised. It also made the tool look totally awesome.

This Skeletool feels great and looks great. We can't wait to put it to work! The FirstUse review will be in a few weeks. Something tells us Leatherman better crank up its production line because we expect dealers will be have a hard time keep these in stock. If you want to get your hands on one, you better get your order in today. - Wan Chi Lau