The crew held the fifth annual RainyDayMagazine SausageFest this weekend. Kristin from L.A. flew in to help out with the event. We were thrilled to have her, even after she told us we needed to drop her off at Logan Airport at 4:30 AM for her return flight on Sunday morning.

The timing of the event was perfect as our friends from Italy, Toby and Francesca, were passing through town on their way to Martha's Vineyard and were able to drop by for a few bites.

SausageFest is an event where we invite folks to find some interesting sauages, bring them by, grill them up, and share them amongst all who attend. We all rank them at the end of the feast and the winners in the various categories (Crowd Pleaser, Most Exotic, Best non-meat, Best Homemade) get to bring home fabulous prizes from the RainyDayPile.

RainyDayMagazine's "house" sausage (not part of the competition as the house is not allow to win) has been from the Buffalo Guys for the past three years. Why? Because they always bring down the house! Buffalo meat makes great sausages. It has just the right amount of juices and has incredible flavor. The hot dogs are out of this world. Just writing about them is making my mouth water.

Of course, SausageFest is also the perfect time to try some new beers, new recipes for sides (mango chick pea salad, broccoli feta salad, etc...), and even new charcoals.

Three different grills (one charcoal, two gas) are available for folks to use. The Weber and the Coleman are normally used for grilling the meat. The Thermos is reserved for non-meat sausages and vegetables.

Guests started arriving around 3PM. The sausages started coming off the grills around 4:30 and the feasting began. A steady stream of meats (lamb, pork, buffalo, etc...) flowed into the "sampling room" for about two hours.

The sampling of the various entries as they came off the grill was fast and furious. The house sausages, supplied by the Buffalo Guys, were gone in a flash.

As always, everyone had great time grilling, eating, and voting. We enjoyed hosting the event and are looking forward to hosting it again next year! [Permalink] - SausageFest 2008