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Not your father's bean-bag chairs

Some RainyDay folks never liked the big leather chair in the office and had always wanted something more comfortable (and less animal damaging).

One of the editors read about a new generation of bean bags being offered by Yogibo. She thought they would make good replacements for the unloved leather monstrosity chair, as the Yogibos could be easily reconfigured from chair to lounger when nap-time came around.

The idea was intriguing so we got a few to see if she was right.


Yes, it does kind of look like a mashup from a kid’s tv show.

The Yogibos are fairly sizable (Max size: the Green  and the Purple, Midi size: the Maroon); notice the six-foot table in the back for a sense of scale. While big, the bags are very light and can be easily moved/carried.

The Yogibo “beans” are made from near-frictionless non-porous micro beads (possibly styrofoam). They will not absorb liquids spilled on them (great for kids and clumsy adults). The removable outer cover is made from a washable Cotton/Lycra material that won’t snag (especially important for folks with cats).


Amazing how much space those tiny little micro-beans can take up…

It took us a little while to get used to sitting on them. You have to do it a certain way so you don’t end up sitting on the ground; our copy editor keeps reminding us that you have to “sit with intention.” Once we got the hang of it, we found that they offer great support, are surprisingly comfortable, and are EXCELLENT for naps.

One thing to note is that it is impossible to get off of them gracefully if you aren’t a nine year-old in dance school. The problem is that when you shift, the “beans” do as well, so there is nothing to push off from. The only way we have found to, remove, ourselves from a Yogibo is to roll off it, onto the floor, then stand up. It’s a small price to pay for comfort.


I don’t have a problem with getting off these, I don’t understand why you do.

While the RainyDayInterns wanted nothing to do with them at first, they have since warmed snuggled up to these giant bags of ever-shifting beads and have claimed them as their new work spaces. Eliot does not make as big of a dent as Milo does, but he has found it to be more comfortable than his cardboard box under the workbench.


I’ll get up when it’s lunch-time.

We plan to “test” them extensively over the course of this NFL season. If they can survive that, then they can survive anything. Look for the InTheWild update after Super Bowl 50!!!

Go Pats!

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