Our "official" reason to visit NYC this time of the year is to check out the Holiday windows along the shops on Fifth Avenue. Can we help it if the date also happens to coincide with the annual NYC Santa Pub Crawl?

The streets of NYC were packed with Santas of all kinds. Due to the warmer than usual weather, they were also in various state of (un)dress. Some of them (an occassional slutty Santa and more than a few naughty elves) were definitely NSFW , not that we were working :-) The pub crawl started around 10AM, or so we heard. All we knew was the city was packed with them by the time we got in at noon.

As we made our way uptown, we saw clusters of Santas hanging out on the wall of the New York Public Library, dancing with the bell-ringers of the Salvation Army, and waiting in line to get into the pubs.

We wrapped our day in the city up early, but many of the Santas were clearly just getting started. Next year, we might just dress up and let our inner Santa loose on NYC. Watch out!. [Permalink] - XMas in NYC: Samta Pub Crawl