The Brimfield Antique Show got off to another wet start this year. The weather, while awesome for the plants in our garden, put quite a damper on the show's attendance. We had planned to check out the show on the first day, but the rain kept us away until today.

Having attended the Brimfield show for the past several years, we have found that getting to the show can be as much of a challenge as trying to see everything once you are at the show. The reason is that Brimfield is a small town and there is only one road into and out of it, so during the Antique Show, there can quite a backup at the Brimfield exit. After sitting in traffic last year, we thought it might be faster to go past Brimfield to Palmer and to get to the show from the other end. That is what we did on this visit and we had no traffic at. The bonus is that we also found $3 parking at that end of the show. So now you know.

One of the best things about Brimfield is that you can find pretty much anything. You just need the patience and stamina to locate it. Standard items such as old types from a print shop or a manual typewriter are fairly easy to find. The rarer items like delicate instruments and fine optical goods are available but you have to keep a sharp eye out. Every once in a while, you will run across crazy items such as Klieg lights and other impossible finds. Whether anyone will need them is not the point. The cool thing is that you can find them at the show!

What is even more amazing is the amount and variety of furniture at the show, and this year was no exception. Along with the antique furniture, we have been seeing more pieces made from reclaimed materials. These pieces have an interesting mix of a nostalgic/industrial feel and a modern design sensibility. Workbenches are a great example. When refinished, it makes for a very attractive and functional piece of furniture. We restored one last Summer with every intention of using it in our workshop, but for one reason or another, it never made it down to the basement. Instead, we've been using it as a sideboard for almost a year.

Other examples were these cube and circular pieces made from industrial-size gears and pulleys. They could either be outdoor sculptures or as the base of a glass coffee table for a modern loft. While we don't have the space for them, we wish we did.

Of course, many of the furniture pieces at the show are originals, like these antique stoves and leather club chairs. People must have been smaller back then (with smaller backsides) because the seats would be quite snug by today's standards.

If you have never been to a Brimfield Antique Show, you need to go. To quote something we overheard one woman telling her friend "...I never thought I would have so much fun looking at other people's crap!" Yes, there is quite a bit of crap at the show, but sorting through it all IS part of the fun! There will be two more Brimfield Antique Shows this year (July 10-15, Sept 4-9). The July show will be a scorcher temperature-wise, but at least the fields won't be muddy from the rain. Our only advice? Wear sturdy comfortable shoes. [Permalink] - Brimfield Antique Show