Some areas of the East Coast got hammered by the weather over the weekend, but the few inches of rain that fell in New England was much needed and very welcomed. In the RainyDayGarden, plants such as the wisteria and the Japanese Maple responded enthusiastically.

We were hoping to take advantage of the early Spring and get some of the seedlings into the ground earlier this year, but the lack of rain had us worried. While the basil seedlings are still quite small, the bean sprouts will be ready to go into the ground in another week or so. We have been bringing them out during the day to harden them off for the event.

After being cooped up all weekend, the RainyDayInterns were glad for the chance to get outside. Their first order of business was, of course, to inspect the grounds and to satisfy themselves that all things were as they should be. The next item of business was to keep a lookout for that big gray squirrel with the mad ninja skills.

We had a japonica bush in the garden that got way too big for its spot. As it had been planted in the middle of the garden and and had started to take over, we had to dig it up. Before we took it out, though, we made new plantings at four other spots around the garden's edges where they can grow unfettered.

For the first couple of years, the flowers on bushes were kind of anemic, but they finally established themselves last year and were looking a lot better. The warm Spring this year and the rain over the weekend was exactly what the japonica bushes practically burst into bloom.

We expect that the pace of growth will continue to quicken now that more rain is on the way. Before long, we'll have to dig things up, move them around, and maybe even open up some new flower beds. It's good thing we have interns! [Permalink] - After The Rain