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RainyDayGiftGuide 2014 : Sports

December 15, 2014 // 0 Comments

Some of us in the office have studied Aikido for a while under the guidance of Sensei Gleason at Shobu Aikido of Boston. The training is hard, but rewarding. Hard in the [...]

Tameshigiri Series: Folded Steel Katana 2

November 21, 2014 // 0 Comments

We  had taken a FirstLook at one of the three folded-steel katana in July. That katana was from HanBon Sword. As we had stated at the time, for the Tameshigiri Series, [...]

BackToSchool 2014 : Gear

September 15, 2014 // 0 Comments

Summer is coming to a close. Most students are already back at school. Those who start later will be joining them by the end of the month. Many will be bringing with them [...]

DIY: Tanto

July 18, 2014 // 0 Comments

While cleaning up the office, we came upon a tanto blank we had purchased many years ago but had forgotten. It has been a while since we built a knife. In fact, the last [...]

Tameshigiri Series : Folded Steel Katana 1

July 7, 2014 // 0 Comments

The Japanese katana, or sword, was a weapon that was perfected during centuries of, let us say, direct testing in the unforgiving fields of battle. The traditional Japanese [...]

Blackvue Sport SC500 CloserLook

February 27, 2014 // 0 Comments

Last  week we took a FirstLook at the BlackVue’s Sport SC500 action-cam. Today, because of requests from some very eager readers, we are going to take a [...]

Blackvue Sport SC500 FirstLook

February 21, 2014 // 0 Comments

Head-mounted  camcorders let us experience stunts from the lunatic’s daredevil’s point of view. Footage captured by these cameras have put us in the middle of [...]

Tameshigiri Series: The Japanese Sword

November 11, 2013 // 0 Comments

Sword movements are an important part of Aikido. Studying sword using wooden bokken and shinai, while excellent for learning the motions, is no substitute for the feel of [...]

Tameshigiri Series: Intro

November 8, 2013 // 0 Comments

For students of Aikido, the study of sword movements is a big part of learning the art. In order to practice the movements safely, students use wooden bokkens and shinai. [...]

Koji Uehara

October 31, 2013 // 0 Comments

We admit it, we only watch baseball when the Red Sox are in the playoffs…and not even the entire post season, but only the last 14 or so games. Fair-weather fans, for [...]
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