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Finally, it stopped snowing!

February 16, 2015 // 0 Comments

We were not dressed as extras for a scene on the Walking Dead, but thought we would see how the WORX leaf blower would do in moving the super fluffy snow. It worked OK, [...]

Snowshoeing instead of shoveling

February 13, 2015 // 0 Comments

One of our readers put the bug about snowshoeing in our heads. With all the fresh snow on the ground, we convinced ourselves that, even though it was 13º, to venture [...]

Stop talking football and go snowshoeing

January 24, 2015 // 0 Comments

We have been told to “stop talking football” because the Super Bowl will be here soon enough 🙂  So, to distract ourselves, here are a few pics from the first [...]

The Fig is thinking Spring

January 15, 2015 // 0 Comments

No…that six foot plant without any leaves is NOT dead. It is our fig tree Sookie. The fig tree was a gift from my friend Larry Murray who was up from the Cape for an [...]

There is fungus among us

January 14, 2015 // 0 Comments

While these may LOOK like the corals from some of Andrew Martinez‘s fabulous underwater photos, they are actually mushrooms… Lion’s Mane to be exact. Two [...]

Day before New Year’s Eve in NYC

December 30, 2014 // 0 Comments

On the night before New Year’s Eve, Time Square and Rock Center were both packed to capacity!!! Still can move around, but you have to go with the [...]

Macy’s Christmas Windows

December 30, 2014 // 0 Comments

Macy’s Christmas windows…always fantastical and fabulous!!! This year’s theme was the Solar System. Apparently, Santa’s workshop is on Venus and the [...]

RainyDayGiftGuide 2014 : Books

December 17, 2014 // 0 Comments

eBooks  may be the future, but there will always be a place for physical books on our shelves. The reason is not just that a physical book doesn’t need batteries, [...]

Starlings at the feeder

December 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

Got some shots of the starling at the window feeder this morning. Unlike the Blue Jays, the starling seems to be happy to share the food with the sparrows. The only problem [...]
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