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Gear & Gadgets

Pamu Slide 2 Ear Buds: FirstLook

July 17, 2022 // 0 Comments

Ear buds have come a long way since Apple came out with the AirPods in lat 2016. Each generation has gotten progressively better: more advanced features, longer battery life, [...]

Lock-picking Skills (LPS)

May 29, 2022 // 0 Comments

Certain “life skills” are fun to learn, practical to have, and occasionally useful. Lock-picking is such a skill, right up there with making fire and tying knots. [...]

Motorports Flatout Watch : FirstLook

February 27, 2022 // 0 Comments

Chronographs are a type of watches that do a lot more than just tell the time. A basic chronograph has an independent sweep second hand and a minute sub-dial, and can be [...]

Graphene-X T-shirts: FirstLook/FirstUse

June 12, 2021 // 0 Comments

RainyDayMagazine’s mission statement is: Find gear at the intersection of technology and the everyday. And today we are diving into a product which perfectly aligns [...]

Maroon Bell Weekender : FirstLook/FirstUse

June 6, 2021 // 0 Comments

It has been a long time since our Gear & Gadgets folks agreed to review a backpack. It is not that there aren’t good, even great backpacks out there (there are), [...]

Post-COVID Outing : Gear Preview

May 22, 2021 // 0 Comments

Now that everyone at RainyDayMagazine has had their 2nd COVID vaccine shot, we are starting to reemerge and reconnect with folks we had not physically seen in a year. Even [...]

Face Masks : Airpop Active

February 21, 2021 // 0 Comments

Face coverings are an indisputably important tool in helping to slow the spread of COVID-19 and other air-transmittable diseases. After almost a year of the pandemic, [...]
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