Queen Elizabeth got a lot of points for her appearance during the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony. One of the editors here at RainyDayMagazine has always known that that particular queen is way, way cooler than folks imagine her to be. To hear her go on and on about the woman, one would think she thinks they're related...which secretly, she hopes they are.

When the audio production of Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch by Sally Bedell Smith came out, we got her a copy. We have rarely seen her so excited :-) We didn't realize it was a 17 CD set with over 21 hours of audio, which suited said editor just fine. She disappeared for two days and came back with even more things about Queen Elizabeth "which we simply must know, immediately!"

Our editor's enthusiasm for Queen Elizabeth was infectious and after listening to the first CD, apparently very well deserved. We will not go all obsessive on you and repeat all of the cool stuff we learned. Suffice to say, Queen E is awesome.

We still have 16 more CDs to get through. After it is done, we have a feeling that we will still want to know more. Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch by Sally Bedell Smith...get it, pop it into the CD player in your car, and go for a drive. Don't blame us if you end up driving to another state... [Permalink] -Elizabeth The Queen