Every RainyDayMagazine reader knows that IKEA is the "go to" place for quality, inexpensive home funishings. Because IKEA designs its products to be "shipping-friendly," it also serves as a great resource for DIY-ers. We are constantly scouring its catalog for potential project ideas. One item in its new 2013 catalog that immediately caught our attention was the Socker countertop greenhouse.

The item is only available (as of this writing anyway) for in-store pick-up. At $20 a unit, we decided to pick up a few as they would be excellent for a lot of things: starting seeds for next year, a frame for a stained glass project, a Christmas Yankee Swap item, etc.

Like all IKEA products, the SOCKER greenhouse required a little assembly. There were only five pieces--the base, two end pieces each with a hinged roof panel and two side panels. The pieces are held together via interlocking joints and slots. There are also guides and notches to ensure a proper fit. It took us about ten minutes to figure out how to put one together.

The frame is made of metal and the clear panels are some kind of plexiglas. The panels will appear hazy because they are covered by a film to protect them from being scratched during transport. We suggest leaving the film on until the unit has been fully assembled.

There are lots of delightful little details to this SOCKER greenhouse. Each roof panel has a small handle for lifting. There are two wire posts (one for each panel) for propping open the roof panels. The short chains allow the roof to be opened fully without the panels falling against and smacking into the ends.

We think there will be a run on these little gems once the word gets around. If you are at all interested in this item, we suggest you head on over to your local IKEA and grab one (or a few) while you still can. Don't say we didn't warn you :-) [Permalink] - IKEA Socker Greenhouse