Spring this year started out warmer but drier than usual (7" less than average). While the higher temperature gave everything a head start, some plants slowed due to the lack of rain. Some of the allium and quite a few of the tulips did not bloom this year. The precipitation finally came in the latter part of April and the beginning of May and are beginning to make up for some of the early deficit. When the rain came, everything "popped" at once.

One of the goals we have for the RainyDayGarden is to have something blooming at any given time. We have been doing pretty well. The ferns have already unfurled, the peonies have hundreds of buds on them, and the bachelor buttons, irises, and clematis have been blooming steadily for about a week.

To keep the mint from spreading uncontrollably, we kept it in a pot last year. The plant survived being inside in a pot over the Winter and have been doing great outside. The oregano and sage both came back and are growing vigorously. For the most part, things are still ahead of schedule. With that in mind, we thought we would get some of the plants we had started inside into the ground now.

More wet weather is expected this week. The rain will be great for the peas which are already in the ground, and for the basil seedling waiting in the wing. We have yet to decide on when to plant the tomatoes, and like last year, they will probably go into a pot. We are looking forward to a bountiful year! [Permalink] - RDG Mid-May Update