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RainyDayGiftGuide 2014 : Creative Tools

December 12, 2014 // 0 Comments

Creativity can be a fierce force, but it is also a fragile thing. Whatever it is, it is something which needs and should be encouraged, nurtured, and stimulated whenever [...]

RainyDayGiftGuide 2014 : Photography

December 8, 2014 // 0 Comments

We are amazed that the year is almost over and another Holiday Season is now upon us! The elves are back, running around the studio to set things up for the RainyDayMagazine [...]

RDG’s 2014 Summery Summary

October 24, 2014 // 0 Comments

Summer ended about a month ago. The weather was so pleasant this year in New England that we didn’t notice it the season changing until the autumnal colors started [...]

Sensu Brush FirstUse

September 26, 2014 // 0 Comments

When digital tablets came onto the scene many saw their potential as a portable canvas for budding Rembrandts, Picassos, and Monets. Apps for sketching and painting showed [...]

Creative Gear

September 21, 2014 // 0 Comments

Creativity is elusive and hard to quantify, but something many want to encourage, stimulate, and foster in themselves. Sketching is one way to get those creative juices [...]

September 11- The Memorial

September 11, 2014 // 0 Comments

When we were in NYC this Summer, we stopped by the World Trade Center 9/11 Memorial and paid our respects to two friends lost on that day: Anna Allison (N-2) and Aram [...]

Fujifilm X100S InTheWild

September 5, 2014 // 1 Comment

We  have had our hands on the Fujifilm X100S for almost a year and a half, and during that time this remarkable point-and-shoot camera has completely charmed its way into [...]

BirdCam Pro InTheWild

July 31, 2014 // 1 Comment

The BirdCam and BirdCam Pros from Wingscapes are weather-proof wildlife cameras/videocams. Both cameras have been set up in various sections of the RainyDayGarden for [...]

RDG 2014 Spring Update

June 23, 2014 // 0 Comments

Now that Summer has officially started, we want to do a quick look back at how Spring went in the RainyDayGarden. April: Because of the long Winter, the plants got going a [...]

Vintage Inverted Microscope

May 20, 2014 // 0 Comments

Microscopes  and telescopes are amazing devices because they can “transport” us to other worlds at the speed of light. This is why we constantly scour [...]
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