We admit it, we only watch baseball when the Red Sox are in the playoffs...and not even the entire post season, but only the last 14 or so games. Fair-weather fans, for sure. Happy fans. Absolutely!

We decided to take a drive down to Fenway Park this morning to see if they had put up the 2013 World Series Champions flag yet. Instead,we stumbled onto the Koji Uehara press conference. The Boston cop, seeing us drive up, said we should just park the car next to the hydrant and pointed us toward the gathering group of Japanese press people...cool! What?...you mean not everyone just wanders into a Koji Uehara Q&A in front of Fenway Park?

Not having followed the Red Sox at all this season, we had no idea who Koji Uehara was until a few weeks ago. Of course, after reading the Sports Illustrated article, we are now a fan of Uehara and will be following his career with the Red Sox with great interest! [Permalink] - Koji Uehara