Now that Spring is here, many are getting their bicycles tuned-up for another season of pedaling. With the ever increasing gas prices, the incentive to get on the bike for short trips is higher now then ever before. Bicycling is a great way to keep in shape, save some money, and does not add more pollutants to the air we breath. Unfortunately, according Kryptonite, it can take as little as forty-three seconds to steal a bike and it happens twenty five times every hour! Fortunately, there are things we can do to make it harder for thieves to ride off with our bikes:
- Join and register the bike with the Bike Revolution
- Tag the bike for extra protection
- Lock the bike properly

Registered bikes statistically have a greater recovery rate...or at least not be sold by the local police at auction for pennies on the dollar. Kryptonite, the bike lock people, and Bike Revolution, a UK based global bicycle registration provider, partnered up last Fall to tackle the theft problem. They are providing cyclists with a FREE global bike registration service designed to reduce bike theft and aid recovery. By leveraging the power of social networking, Kryptonite and Bike Revolution have devised a way to improve the chances of finding and getting back your registered bike should it be stolen. Go here to register. What you'll need to provide:
- Serial number of the bike
- Contact details
- Description of the bike
- Date/Location of purchase (optional)
- Photos (optional)
- Identifying marks (optional)

The bike registration is the first step. The second step is to tag it with a Kryptonite Bike Revolution anti-theft Pulse ID tag. The tag is a unique, tamper-resistant, weatherproof ID that includes a Quick Response (QR) code used to identify a bike's current status. A smartphone and a free 2D barcode app is all that is needed to scan and check on the status of a tagged bicycle seen out "in the wild." The info sent to the secure Bike Revolution database will provide the current status of that bike. If a bike is stolen, Bike Revolution will publish the information on its site and use social networking tools to spread the word. Localized Stolen Bike Alerts are sent to Bike Revolution's followers on Facebook and Twitter, the bike owner, local authorities, bike shops and cycling clubs.

Of course, not having the bike stolen is much better than trying to get it back. Kryptonite has been in the bike security game for a long time and offers the best in anti-theft options. Their latest is the Modulus line. We like it because it is flexible and adaptable (poles, trees, car racks, etc...). However, even with the best security, bikes will still get stolen. With the Kryptonite Bike ID Kit, the power of social networking, and a little bit of luck, the chance of getting the bike back can be a LOT better. By registering the bike, tagging it, and using a good lock to secure it, you can have more fun biking and spend less time worrying about losing it. BTW, don't forget to wear a helmet :-) [Permalink] - Kryptonite: Bike ID Kit