When the near-60º temperature wafted through Boston last week, those of us with convertibles started to think about the day it will be warm enough to take off the hard top and snow tires (it will be soon). Such enthusiasm may be dampened (a little) by yet another snow storm hitting the area. However, our spirits were lifted today when a copy of 101 Projects for Your Porsche Boxster showed up at the office.

The book was written by Porsche expert Wayne Dempsey. Wayne co-founded Pelican Parts, an Internet-based automotive parts company which has been a go-to source for Porsche DIY-enthusiasts for more than a decade. 101 Projects for Your Porsche Boxster is a result of the author's hands-on experience with the vehicle and the various technical articles he has written on the car.

At the start of every project is a panel with a summary of the level of difficulty, tools required, and expected benefits. Every project is explained in detail and clarified using photos and diagrams. In fact, this 300+ page book contains more than 950 full-color plates, something one usually does not find in a typical auto manual.

The range of projects is very broad. Some of them are repair-related while others are improvements for the Boxster. All readers will find projects for their level of technical and mechanical expertise.

We found a few projects (O2 sensor, brake-pad replacement) in the book which were similar to ones we had done in the past. We also found many others which were interesting to read about, but we would not attempt unless we had a much better equiped garage :-)

If you own a Boxster, are thinking about buying one, or are hoping to own one sometime in the future, the Boxster Service Manual and 101 Projects are the two "must-have" books for your Boxster library. If nothing else, they will help get you through the days when you are unable drive it for whatever reason. [Permalink] - 101 Boxster Projects