In the 2010 Holiday Gift Guide we did a FirstLook of the Quiver pen holders. As we stated in the review, those beautifully crafted pen holders are perfect for anyone using a Livescribe Pulse Smartpen. A few readers noticed we also had the smaller Quiver and asked us what would work well with that holder. The answer is, any of the standard 3.5"x5.5" bounded notebooks. However, as the inspiration for the Quiver was the Moleskine notebooks, it should be no surprise that it fits perfectly on one of those as well.

Moleskine notebooks have long been a favorite of writers, artists, and adventurers looking to jot down their thoughts, inspirations, and observations. The Moleskine line has expanded since the days of Matisse and Hemingway. The ones we really like are the City Books because they are ideal for travel, whether for work or pleasure.

The City Books are more than just a pocket-sized guidebook for major cities around the world, they are a way of organizing a trip and preserving the memory and records. They are also perfect for those who live there, as a way of organizing the things they know and need about the city they live in. Each City Book contains the following:
- Metro map + station index
- 36 pages of zone maps + street index
- 54 blank pages
- 96 tabbed pages
- 32 detachable sheets
- 223 pages, acid-free paper, expandable inner pocket
While the smaller Quiver is the perfect companion for a Moleskine notebooks, the Quiver will work just fine with hard cover notebooks made by Rhodia, Quo Vadis, Piccadilly, and others of similar size.

The holder's opening is large enough to accommodate pens of 0.49" or 12.5mm diameters. Because Quivers are all made from leather, there is some additional stretch and will fit slightly larger pens. The single-pen Quiver can be adjusted further by slight pulling or pushing the pen holder away from the spine during installation to accommodate those "fatter" fountain pens. We are looking forward to using our Quiver-enhanced notepads and will let you know how they hold up in actual use. Look for our InTheWild update in the Fall. [Permalink] - Quiver & Moleskine