2024: a year of all things related to…Birds!!!
RainyDayTheme for 2024
We have been doing RainyDay things since 2005 (TWO THOUSAND AND FIVE, people!!) Since then, we have gone through a couple of evolutions, but we still look to challenge ourselves and provide information/activities we think would interest our readers.
As we have always stated, there are a lot of fantastic gear-review sites out there. We love reading them, but we aren’t exactly like them. So, for 2024. we are once again “shaking things up” and trying something different – we’re having a theme for many of our 2024 posts.
We hope our posts will continue to be
- interesting for our readers,
- fun for the folks here at RainyDay, and
- provide a way for our sponsors to further connect with and promote to their target audiences.
RainyDayTheme for 2024
For 2024, we have chosen (after much deliberation) to focus RDM on the theme of “Birds.” We plan to post at least one article a month related to the avian world, whether it be photography gear, outdoor clothing, destinations, books, etc. While all things avian are fascinating in and of themselves, with “birds” as the unifying thread we are hoping that by tying things to one anchor, we can have a focus without limiting our range.
Even if “birds” does not fall within your interests, we hope our readers will find the approach fresh, interesting, and relevant enough to come along for the ride. We’ll see how it works out after 12 months 🙂
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