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Tameshigiri Series: Folded Steel Katana 3

June 24, 2015 // 0 Comments

This is the third and last katana we will be reviewing for the Tameshigiri series. Like the other two blades (katana #1, katana #2), this blade from Knight Swords is also [...]

Tensegrity Icosahedron

May 18, 2015 // 1 Comment

I realized recently that a lot of the things Gleason Sensei has been talking about in his Aikido classes (dynamic tension, pulling silk, stretching the fascia, etc) [...]

Motivation : It is a mind game

May 9, 2015 // 0 Comments

The release of the Wells report “findings” into Deflategate (still a stupid name) meant that fans and supporters of Tom Brady and the New England Patriots [...]

Snowshoeing instead of shoveling

February 13, 2015 // 0 Comments

One of our readers put the bug about snowshoeing in our heads. With all the fresh snow on the ground, we convinced ourselves that, even though it was 13º, to venture [...]

Are you not entertained???

February 1, 2015 // 0 Comments

After an unbelievable catch by the Seahawks, less than a minute left in the game, and everyone lining up at the one yard line, who would have thought the game would end the [...]

Stop talking football and go snowshoeing

January 24, 2015 // 0 Comments

We have been told to “stop talking football” because the Super Bowl will be here soon enough 🙂  So, to distract ourselves, here are a few pics from the first [...]

Winning is great…

January 23, 2015 // 0 Comments

The recent circus surrounding the AFC Championship game’s “Deflate-gate” has brought this idea of you-can-win-but-not-too-often to the fore for me. A lot [...]

Super Bowl Prep 2015 : HDTV Antenna

January 19, 2015 // 0 Comments

Now that the AFC champs (the Pats stomping on the Colts) and NFC champs (Green Bay stunning the Seahawks) have been crowned, it is time to prep for Super Bowl XLIX. To help [...]
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