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Oakley X-Metal Collection: Madman

January 15, 2018 // 0 Comments

Every once in a while, we come across something on eBay that is: pretty unique, a decent value, and that we like enough to buy with our own money. The Oakley X-Metal Madman [...]

NFL Season Prep – Clearstream TV

August 28, 2017 // 0 Comments

We used to “prep” only for the SuperBowl, but for the past few years we have been “prepping” for the start of the NFL season. We are not sure why, but [...]

Lumos LED Bike Helmet – FirstLook

March 21, 2017 // 0 Comments

We still have the first helmet we ever used (back in the 1970s): the iconic hard-shell Bell helmet. The outside of the helmet has a hard plastic outer shell, mostly to [...]

Fujinon 10×42 KF M Binoculars – FirstUse

February 23, 2017 // 0 Comments

The RainyDayMagazine folks have been using the Fujinon 10×42 KF M binoculars for about a month now. They have used it looking outside the window, outside when the [...]

SOG Reactor Multi-tool : FirstLook

February 19, 2017 // 0 Comments

The multi-tool is the main piece of equipment in any EveryDayCarry (EDC) collection. Our “goto” multi-tool has been either the Leatherman’s Skeletool or [...]

Fujinon 10×42 KF M Binoculars – FirstLook

January 14, 2017 // 2 Comments

Many people do not typically associate Winter with bird-watching, but the activity can be quite spectacular for those willing to brave the weather! We did just that a few [...]

BackToSchool 2016 – Preview

September 10, 2016 // 0 Comments

Labor Day weekend has passed. Summer is winding down. NFL football is about to start. Its time for our BackToSchool series! “BackToSchool” means different things [...]

MiniWing Camile BikeCam FirstLook

May 2, 2016 // 1 Comment

What would you get if you threw a bike computer and a GoPro into a blender? If you are lucky you might end up with something cool like the MiniWing Camile. This [...]
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