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Leonardo da Vinci collection

November 16, 2011 // 1 Comment

Tesla, Edison, Jobs are names we all know well. We associate them with inventions which forever changed our lives. However, hundreds of years before them lived an inventor [...]

iOptron iExplore 70 AZ Telescope FirstLook

November 15, 2011 // 0 Comments

Meade and Celestron are the two dominant players in the telescope market. In the past, the astro gear (LX200GPS, ASGT tripod, HyperStar, etc…) we looked at was more [...]

Celestial Globe

November 2, 2011 // 0 Comments

The Earth-centric model of the Solar System was first proposed by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy around 150 AD. That logical, but foundationally incorrect, model endured for [...]

Installing ofxKinect for OSX

October 25, 2011 // 0 Comments

Playing  with the Kinect hacks are a lot of fun. Getting the hacks to work on the Mac, not so much. OK, not AS much. However, we REALLY REALLY wanted to see the Kinect [...]

Kinect Hacks for OSX

October 24, 2011 // 0 Comments

We  got a Microsoft Kinect 360 camera through Craigslist back in April. The main reason we got it was because the cool Kinect-based hacks, which had been Linux and [...]

What we don’t know

October 4, 2011 // 0 Comments

Some  of us have been studying Aikido for a long time. Our Aikido teacher, Gleason Sensei, is fond of telling us “…the more you learn, the more you will know [...]

Otterbox iPhone lens case

October 3, 2011 // 0 Comments

We are always looking for accessories which will enable us to extend what we can do with the iPhone 4. Lens attachments for the phone’s 5-megapixel camera are such an [...]

MOS : A Day In Pompeii

September 30, 2011 // 0 Comments

The eruption of Mount Vesuvious on August 24, AD 79 must have been terrifying to the inhabitants of Pompeii. In less than a day, this thriving Roman city of 20,000 was [...]

NeuroSky MindWave FirstLook

September 15, 2011 // 0 Comments

The idea of a brain-computer interface (BCI) has been the stuff of science fiction since the invention of the computer. There are the obvious applications and situations [...]

Celestial Globe : FirstLook

September 13, 2011 // 0 Comments

Celestial globes have been the means by which astronomers charted the heavens since ancient times. The first recorded solar eclipse was made by the Chinese in 2136 BC. [...]
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