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Gear & Gadgets

OtterBox iPad Defender: Installation

July 28, 2010 // 0 Comments

Judging  by the response to Monday’s FirstLook of the OtterBox iPad cases, it appears that readers are really interested in the Defender and the Commuter. We can [...]

Visionary Lenses FirstLook

July 27, 2010 // 0 Comments

A  few days ago we picked up another pair of Oakley Juliet sunglasses on Craigslist. It was not that we needed another pair, but that we wanted an extra pair so that we [...]

OtterBox iPad cases: FirstLook

July 26, 2010 // 0 Comments

The  OtterBox iPad cases came in last Thursday. We posted a teaser with a few images of both the Defender and the Commuter. Many of you discovered that if you clicked [...]

TruFocals FirstLook

July 23, 2010 // 0 Comments

It  has been said that the day you turn 40, your eyes immediately require the aid of “reading glasses.” We didn’t believe in such things and have been [...]

OtterBox iPad cases

July 22, 2010 // 0 Comments

The  OtterBox iPad cases came yesterday. As we said last Friday, we are going to do one big head-to-head case comparison in August. However, we thought readers would [...]

CarMD v3.0 FirstLook

July 19, 2010 // 0 Comments

The check engine light (CEL) on our Porsche Boxster comes on periodically. This light is supposed to “help” the car owner by telling them that there is an issue [...]

More iPad cases

July 16, 2010 // 0 Comments

Since the launch of the Apple iPad in April, an avalanche of protective covers, cases, and folios for the iPad has hit the market. Sorting through them all has kept us [...]

CRKT (Lumabiner, ZillaTool jr ) FirstLook

July 13, 2010 // 0 Comments

When we go out on location, we bring a lot of gear. We might forget to bring a cable, extra batteries, something…but we never forget to pack a multi-tool. There are [...]

Brando: Digital Video Watch

June 15, 2010 // 0 Comments

Camera and video recording devices have been getting smaller ever since things went digital. Designers were able to eliminate all mechanical parts from the devices once [...]

ClearStream Micron FirstUse

May 20, 2010 // 0 Comments

On Monday we did a FirstLook of the ClearStream Micron indoor antenna. In that write-up we discussed a few of the advantages of pulling TV signals directly from the air, [...]
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