Illustrated Guides of Microscopic Life
...amoeba, ciliophora, flagellates, heliozoans, tardigrades, algae and more. Oh my!!!
We have the poster “The History of Existing Life” hanging on one of our walls. The print is a visual of all life’s evolutionary history and is beautifully drawn in the antique style of 18th and 19th century naturalists.
According to the poster (and current scientific understanding), microorganisms first appeared on Earth approximately 3.7 billion years ago. Evidence for this comes from fossilized microbial mats and carbon signatures found in rocks from this period.
Illustrated Guides
Last year, while participating in a conversation in a Facebook microscopy group, one of the members pointed us to David Seamer. David has been fascinated by the freshwater micro-world since the age of fifteen and has spent his life exploring it.
In 1993, David converted an ex-school bus into a mobile home/laboratory and spent the next 25-years traveling around southeast Australia, cataloguing the biodiversity of Australia’s freshwater algae and protozoa. The guides (there are seven!) are his ever-evolving work on the fascinating topic of “fresh water microscopic life.”
All of the illustrations are hand-drawn by David from live microscopic observations. The guides cover hundreds of organisms, with detailed descriptions, helpful taxonomic info.
- An Illustrated Guide to the Freshwater Protozoa
- A Beginners Guide to Freshwater Microscopic Life
- Beginners Guide to the Freshwater Diatoms
- Beginners Guide to the Desmids
- An Illustrated Guide to the Freshwater Peritrich Cothurnia
- An Illustrated Guide to the Freshwater Free-living Peritrichs
- An Illustrated Guide Freshwater Ciliate Stentor
Initially, we were tempted to just get one or two of these guides, but then thought…why??? Where would we find hand-drawn scientific illustrations of this quality anywhere else? Each page is pretty much a work of art…so we got them all 🙂
What’s inside
Freshwater ecosystems cover less than 0.01% of the planet’s total surface area, but support more than 125,000 species, from fish to terrestrial animals. However, freshwater microscopic life is vastly varied in species compared to their larger counterparts. The estimates the number of protozoa alone at over 50,000 different species. Of course, the exact number is difficult to pinpoint as many species are still undiscovered.
For those looking to get started, the two guides we recommend are An Illustrated Guide to the Freshwater Protozoa and A Beginners Guide to Freshwater Microscopic Life. At 236 pages, the Freshwater Protozoa Guide 2nd Edition is the largest of the lot. The guide has over 400 genera of Amoebae, Flagellata and Ciliata.
Amoebas are unicellular organisms that have the ability to change their shape. Protozoa are single-celled organisms which, unlike Algae, do not produce their own food. The Beginner’s Guide to Freshwater Microscopic Life talks about them all, along with collection methods, storage and preservation, and examination.
There are some color images in the guides, but the majority of the pictures are hand-drawn illustrations. What is impressive about David Seamer’s illustrations is the level of detail in them. In many ways, we found them clearer than actual images, because what’s important and/or relevant has already been filtered by his years of observations and expertise.
As soon as things warm up here in Boston, we’ll take our BeaverLab scope out to Jamaica Pond, collect some samples, and see what we can see 🙂
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