Fluidstance Level : FirstLook
Stand, balance, and get stronger...while you work. No kidding!!!
There’s a lot you can do to develop a sense of balance, improve your strength, create better posture, and increase body coordination. It’s called “balance training.”
Most people use balance training to enhance sports performance, but we think it is a helpful tool/process for pretty much everyone, especially people who have been on the planet (earth; we can’t talk about the other ones) for HIC (half a century) or more.
We’ve looked at a variety of gear (Devebor, TerraCore, SkillBoard) designed to strengthen our core and balance. We liked them all, but felt that those items were designed for “working out.”
We recently discovered a balance trainer from FluidStance that was designed to be used specifically while working, be it at home or in the office. We were intrigued…
Balance trainers are fantastic pieces of gym equipment, and we love them (now that we have used them enough to have enough balance to not fall off them) (the previous parenthetical phrase might refer to just a single RainyDay-er, not all of them).
When we heard that a new balance product would be coming our way, we were eager to see how it would compare to those we have in house.
The Level’s long flat box did not prepare us for the awesomeness inside, but the warning on the box did manage to give us a chuckle (a sober chuckle). We know companies are obligated to post these types of warnings and it is important that they are taken seriously.
Still, the possibility of DAD (Death at Desk) is alway intriguing to the interns…

Kind of a quandary, really: you have to use it to get good at using it. But, I suppose that’s what walls are for…
The Level came bagged in a heavy-duty drawstring canvas travel tote, helpful for transporting between offices (i.e. home and actual workplace).
When we pulled the Level out of the bag, our first thought was NOT “They’ve sent us a Klingon training bat’leth,” mostly because we are pretty sure that Klingons would a real bat’leth even for training.
No, our thought was “what a beautifully crafted piece of gear.”
And we thought that because the Level:
- Has a Military-grade aluminum die-cast base;
- Has a 360° tilt;
- Is 26.5″ long x 12.2″ wide x 2.5″ high;
- Weighs 7 lbs, 12 oz; and
- Supports up to 300 pounds.
- It also has a beautiful Premium natural wood top deck (a.k.a. standing platform).
- The idea of the Level is fantastic;
- The materials used are first rate;
- The construction quality is top-notch.
That’s a hat-trick we always like to celebrate when we see it in a product.
The Level balance trainer is meant to be used in the office, not the gym. We really like that and are excited at the prospect of being able to do some balancing while working!
Additionally, because falling is a fear many people have but few do anything about, we think that the Fluidstance Level could assist people interested in increasing their sense of balance in a safe and controlled fashion.
We’ll be standing on this for a few weeks, then write up our experience of adding the Level to our normal day.
By the way…remember the portable DeskView Motis standing desk we looked at recently? We’ll be pairing that with the Level for a combo FirstUse. Should be really interesting!!! Look for it in early November.
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