Finished with Chapter 6
In working through how to build the multi-view Drink Mixer app, we learned sorting, saving, and editing data. We also learned quite a bit about all of the built-in widgets and animations (keyboard, screen update, etc…) which make an iPhone app feel like an iPhone app. The take-away lesson was “look before you build” because A LOT of the stuff is already there.
Now that we have finished Chapter 6, we have a much better understanding of how to build a multi-page app with some basic features (scrolling views, saving data, sorted list, etc…). We also learned we need to pay attention to the finer UI details: expected-but-missing UI items such as a details indicator could get the app rejected by the App Store.
It was just announced that the iPhone4 sold more than 1.7 million units in its first few days of being released! Also, the iPhone may not be exclusive to AT&T come next year. The word on the street is that it will be available from Verizon by January 2011. Early estimates are that Verizon will bring onboard another 12 million iPhone users. This is one fast-growing market. We better finish learning about how to program for this device and get going on our app because there is gold in them thar hills!!!
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