Home and garden gifts are the easiest to select. There is so much to choose from that we like to recommend a good place to shop in addition to offering a list of items. Those looking for a good source should head over to Gardener's Supply Company and look around.

Gardener's Supply Company has expanded their offerings from their inital gardeny things to now include inside-the-home stuff. Many items are exclusive to them, orders are processed quickly, and they ship fast. For the Holidays, orders made before Dec. 19 noon EST will be delivered before Dec. 25! Those looking for specific recommendations, read on :-)

For the home:
- Pyramid Star Light - Place anywhere, battery-powered, great looking.
- Pierced Dandelion Lights - Inspired by the delicate beauty of dandelions.
- SmartCandle votives
- Safe, rechargeable, lasts all evening. SmartCandle tealights, votives, and scented candles are the best in this category. They have realistic flickering "flames," long-lasting rechargeable batteries, and will save you money because you won't have to buy more candles.

For the garden:

- Hang&Level tool
- Marks EXACTLY where the nail goes. No guessing.
- Measure It! - Adhesive measuring tape. Stick it anywhere. Leave no marks.

Winter is getting serious here in New England. The second snow storm is coming on strong. It will be hours before it will be done. We will dig ourselves out, head to the office, and bring you our RainyDayGarage recommendations tomorrow. Happy Holidays!!! [Permalink] - RainyDayGiftGuide: Home & Garden