The broken iPod we purchased had its normal share of dings and scratches. We were looking at various methods of cleaning it up and perhaps buffing out some of the scuff marks. One of the interns happened upon this rather odd set of directions on how to use a banana (not porn related in anyway) to clean up an iPod. We were intrigued enough to give it a try.
The steps were simple enough: cut a piece, expose some, apply generously, let sit a minute or so, wipe clean with a cotton cloth.
We have to admit, the iPod was quite shiny after the procedure, but we cannot report that this tip did anything to reduce the amount of scratches on our iPod.
Our fall back plan is to apply the InvisbleShield to the front of the iPod to cover up the nicks and scratches. We already know how durable the InvisibleShield is. We are now happy to report the InvisibleShield is also great for covering up defects as well as offering great protection! [Permalink] - Wan Chi Lau
BTW, we have a few winners to announce from June's RainyDayContests. James Kim from IL was our winner for "I know what landed on your desk." Ariel Kayne was our winner for "It's a Tesla, baby." Both answers were, of course, our Featured Product... the Lensbaby 3G. Winners, if you want to enter again in the future, don't forget to sent a pic of you with your prize to us. In exchange, we'll take you off the contest filter list and you entries will then continue to reach us instead of being unceremoniously chucked :-)