Readers have sent a LOT of emails asking how the BodyGuardz compared to the InvisibleShield since our FirstLook back in February. We are pretty sure the BodyGuardz is made from the same 3M stuff used for the InvisibleShield and others. Last Friday, we picked up a brand new 32GB iPod Touch. It seemed the perfect opportunity to give the BodyGuardz a try.

RainyDayMagazine was one of the first to post a write up on the InvisibleShield and had posted a follow-up one year later. Here is a look at InvisibleShield protected iPod nano three years after the installation. Amazingly, the cover still looks new.

There is a difference to the "glossy-ness" of the device with these covers applied. None of these shields are completely smooth. At certain angles, the bumpiness of the film is noticeable on close inspection when the device is off. It is NOT apparent when the display is on. This is one of the trade-offs users must resign themselves to when using these protective films. We definitely think it is worth it.

The BodyGuardz comes with two sets of covers, a spray bottle of application fluid, a plastic card, and directions. A complete kit certainly would have made it a lot easier then when we applied the first InvisibleShield :-)

The most important step is to start with a really CLEAN surface. ANY dust or fingerprints will be noticeable underneath the cover. You WILL see it and you WILL NOT get used to it.

The next most important step is to follow the directions. The liquid is sprayed on the hands and cover, not the device. The wet hands let you handle the film without sticking to it. The wet cover keeps it from sticking to itself. The liquid lets the film slide on to the device easily.

Once the cover is on, squeeze out the bubbles using the plastic card, sop up any excess liquid, and let dry. The entire process takes less than a few minutes if you don't let things dry out before you are finished.

You may notice a slight haze on the cover until everything has completely dried out. This was the same with the InvisibleShield. We will take a few shots of the BodyGuardz-protected iTouch in a few days. We really like this complete kit: cover, solutions, card. It is nice that they supplied two sets of covers. The directions were easy to follow and the film slided on with no problem. One tip... use plenty of solution! [Permalink] - Wan Chi Lau