This weekend turned out to be both cold AND rainy. However, it did not dampen our efforts yesterday to check out both the annual Somerville Open Studios and the Shobu Aikido "painting party".

There were over 300 artists participating in the event. We did not have time to see them all, but we did spend a bit of time at the Vernon Street Studios.

There were a lot of photographers, painters, and mix-media artists at that location. We found some interesting works, but managed to restrain ourselves and did not make any purchases for the office.

We also checked in on our friend Ted Beatie from last year. Ted has some new works from his travels to Morocco and Burning Man.

On our way to the Vernon Street Studios we stopped in Daniel Maher's stained glass workshop and had a very interesting chat with Daniel about some of his "found glass" creations and his current restoration work for a church in NYC.

Daniel opened his studio on 500 Medford Street over ten years ago. Back then the neighborhood was just beginning its transition. Today, the studio is in one of the most lively artist communities in the Somerville area.

If you are looking for something to do on this rainy Sunday, put on some walking shoes and head on over to Somerville. The event ends at 4PM today. [Permalink] - Wan Chi Lau
Shobu Aikido of Boston is moving to Somerville. We stopped by the new space to check it out. Apparently we had just missed the painting party. There were still a few of the crew doing some touch-up work and cleaning up.

The new space is beautiful! There are two large garage doors in the front which will be replaced with glass doors. The entire space is free of obstructions (unlike their current space) and will allow students to move freely across the entire mat.

To the side of the dojo is a community garden. The dojo has obtained a small plot to grow flowers and such. The students are really looking forward to being a part of the Somerville community.

Shobu Aikido is hoping to have the new dojo ready for a June opening. There is still quite a bit of work left to do. The dojo is always looking for corporate sponsors, donations, and help of any kind. If you want to be part of a vibrant and energizing community, we encourage you to check out Shobu Aikido of Boston. [Permalink] - Wan Chi Lau