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Meade LX200 Telescope Case

February 7, 2011 // 0 Comments

The interns have been researching various options for transporting the two telescopes. There are few telescope case makers and their cases are typically custom-fit units [...]

Year of the Rabbit

February 3, 2011 // 0 Comments

Lepus, the Rabbit, is chased across the February evening skies by the great hunter, Orion. The Greeks who named this constellation, envisioned the hare forever eluding [...]

Meade RCX400 Tripod Comparison

January 20, 2011 // 0 Comments

Yesterday we took a FirstLook at our newly acquired Meade RCX400 Ultra-Stable tripod. Weighing in at close to 60 lbs, this tripod is a beast. However, since it can [...]

Meade RCX400 Tripod

January 19, 2011 // 0 Comments

Bigger is definitely better when it comes to telescope tripods. The main reason is telescopes are very sensitive to vibrations. The sturdier the tripod, the better the [...]

Scientific Revolution

November 19, 2010 // 0 Comments

Sir Isaac Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica(“Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”), popularly known as the Principia, is [...]

Meade Focus Knob upgrade

March 17, 2009 // 1 Comment

There are two sets of knobs which can influence the sharpness of the image seen through our Meade LX200 GPS telescope.  The first set is the collimation screws at the [...]
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