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About Us

RainyDayMagazine’s main focus is at the intersection of “technology” and the “everyday”, especially products for personal use. Many of the suggestions for articles and product reviews come from our readers.

We know there are MANY sites out there with late breaking gear and gadget info and posts as soon as the press releases hit the wire.  At RainyDayMagazine, we have decided to go in a different direction.  We don’t want to just repeat what is in the marketing releases.  That information is useful, but it tells little about how the gear would perform in everyday situations and how well it works in real life.  To do that takes time, usage, and commitment.

We also don’t review every product under the sun.  We are VERY selective and will only look at gear which we find interesting AND we would actually want to buy.  So, if you see it reviewed in RainyDayMagazine, you can be sure we have it in house and are using it for real.  We hope this approach adds something useful to the enormous wealth of information on the Web and to help you past the time on a “RainyDay” 🙂

So whether you are looking for a sunny place to visit or just a little diversion until the rain stops… we hope you’ll click around, have some laughs, and learn something you can use when the sun comes back out.



Wan & Carolyn

NOTE: Readers should assume that ALL products mentioned were supplied by the respective manufacturers free of charge for the purpose of review.

Update: January 1st, 2016 … go here to see what we’ll be focusing on for the year.