Urban Safari : Toni Lynn Washington @BHD
“Queen of the Blues”
The crew went to the Boston Harbor Distillery (BHD) in Dorchester on Friday night to hear Toni Lynn Washington and The White Owls. The event was presented by SHK Music and the tickets purchased on 24Hour Concerts.
Boston Harbor Distillery
We’d been to BHD before for a whiskey tasting, but didn’t realize that it was also a music venue. Now that we have experienced it first hand, it makes perfect sense!
What an incredible place for music: intimate space, awesome acoustics, delicious cocktails. Now THAT’s a hat trick if ever there was one!!! RainyDayMagazine readers in the Boston area looking for an amazing night out should absolutely check out SHK’s schedule at the BHD!!!

Regardless of whether your cocktail is served in a whisky glass or a coupe, your cocktail is going to be delicious.
Toni Lynn Washington
The White Owls had the first set all to themselves, then held their own in their musical support of Tony Lynn’s set. It was a real delight, hearing the combination.
Toni Lynn Washington is a true and revered blues queen and is literally a national treasure. She’s been doing it pretty much her whole life. She is 86 (EIGHTY-SIX, PEOPLE) at this point, and still can belt it out and bring you in, even if she needs to sit to do it!
Still a powerful, soulful, lyrical voice, that Toni Lynn. She brought all of her experience to the stage and made us kids stay up WAY past our bed time!!!
Hey, that’s us!
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