YES Watch V7 : Updated version
YES...their watches just keep getting better and better!!!
A while back we posted a FirstLook of the YES V7, the most advance timepiece of its kind.
The YES V7 was designed by Bjorn Kartomten and his team for people who love wristwatches, especially those who enjoy and are fascinated by the intersection of time-tracking and the natural cycles of the earth, i.e., adventurers, astronomers, witches, warlocks, cyclists, sailors, farmers, cheesemakers, truck drivers, bakers, vintners, and (to our time/universe-focused mind) everybody else.
The YES V7 offers, in addition to letting you know know are going to be on time for the meeting/druid thing at Newgrange:
- Times for sunrise, zenith, sunset, twilight (all 3 levels), and true midnight;
- Sunrise and sunset alarm with 0-99 minutes pre-alarm;
- Equinox, solstice and cross quarter day alerts with event times; and
- Times for moonrise, moonset, moon phase, % illumination plus exact time and date for the next new and full moons.
We are posting this update because the YES team has made some excellent improvements and will have their new stock ready for shipping by the time you read this.
To all the RainyDayMagazine readers who were not quick enough last time to get in on the V7, we are giving you fair warning: you snooze, you lose. AND because we love our readers, here is a RainyDay Discount Code: RD2022 for a whopping 35% off!!!
What’s in the box
- WorldWatch V7;
- NATO strap;
- Watch tools: link remover, screwdriver; and
- Induction charging base and USB cord
Here is a highlight of some of the V7’s features:
We have always liked tritium tubes for nighttime use, as the markers offer far superior visibility compared to other options. YES is one of the few watchmakers that takes this innovative approach.
About tritium tubes:
- Borosilicate glass capillary tubes are internally coated with a luminescent powder.
- Tritium (H3, a hydrogen isotope) gas is pumped into the tubes.
The tubes glow because Tritium constantly emits electrons, which collide with the luminescent layer inside the tube. The absorbed energy is released as photons, which are visible. These long tubes are laser cut and hermetically sealed into the tiny micro tubes for applications such as watch dials. Tritium emits a very weak beta particle and are NOT dangerous.
NOTE: These new tritium tubes should NOT be confused with the earlier painted radium hands and numerals found in clocks from the early 1900s and watches from the 1950s. Those really were dangerous.
The biggest physical change to the V7 is the update of the charging mechanism. It is not compatible with the previous version, but that is irrelevant. We mention it just for completeness. The custom-designed charging system and lithium ion batteries will keep the V7 charged for up to 3 months on a single full night of charging, about a month longer than that of the last generation.
Unlike the previous mechanism, which used a clip and makes contact with two pins, the updated V7 uses an induction mechanism and a fitted charging base. We suspect that the new approach might be more durable than the clip, but we have no data to support that at this time.
The base’s LED indicator will light up red when charging, and change to blue when it has power.

I’ll be ready in just a minute! (Time estimation not accurate; meant only a turn of phrase, not a phase of the moon.)
When charging, the V7 watch face shows a battery icon with the level of charge.
The rechargeable battery plugs into the PCB with a tiny plug, and is replaceable. Exchanging this battery is a delicate procedure and requires opening up the watch. We recommend sending it to YES for this service.
A full night of charging is spec’ed to give 3 months of battery life.
NOTE: unlike the previous V7, the charging LED on the base does NOT change color when the watch has been fully charged (stays red). The LED is only an indicator whether the watch is connected or not.
We already thought the V7 was AWESOME. With the new charging upgrade, it is now even better! Of course, because of the features and capabilities YES has managed to put into this wristwatch, it is not a delicate piece meant for delicate wrists.
But, because of the titanium used throughout, the V7 is still much lighter than most of the stainless steel watches in our collection, in spite of its size.
YES will start shipping this updated V7 the second week of November.
Link to the item mentioned:
Why there is no nano-second hand on the watch:
- There are 1 billion nanoseconds in a second.
- There are 60 seconds in minute.
- Therefore, there are 60 billion nanoseconds in a second.
- Unless you’re a computer, you probably don’t need to concern yourself with nanoseconds.
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