Unaccompanied Minor: Spring Free Trampoline
"It's lots of fun!"

Today I will review a Spring Free Trampoline. The version I have is the 8’ round model. One great feature about it is that it has springs below the trampoline instead of on the sides of the jumping area, which loses out on valuable jumping space. The models with the springs on the edge of the jumping area are also a little more dangerous because of the chance of someone getting their foot stuck between the springs. The people with small backyards will appreciate this feature.

There are many options on the size and the shape of it. They sell oval and circular ones that all vary in size. It’s designed for outdoor use so you don’t have to worry about the weather. It’s really strong and durable and you never feel like it’s going to fall over. Because of the springs below it is a little higher up than others but it is worth it and they provide you with a ladder.

It comes with a net to keep you safe. There is a door to get in with really strong zippers in an L shape. When you get in and close the zipper, it provides the same amount of support as the sides without the door.

The trampoline is pretty easy to put together, but when you put the spring knobs on you should attach it like a star, not in one direction. We learned this the hard way. Spring Free provides videos to help with the install, so that helps to make everything clear. You can buy other parts to it to have more fun such as a sunshade and a basketball hoop. I give the trampoline a 10 out of 10, but I give the ladder a 6 or a 5 because if you put all your weight on it when you step down it pulls away from the trampoline. They don’t give a lot of instruction on the ladder and whether there is a way to secure it better. One final note, there are many games you can think of to play on the trampoline besides just jumping. It’s lots of fun!
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