RainyDayKitchen's content can now be licensed for your print magazine or web site. Please contact us directly here. If you want to see something reviewed, then drop us a note with a link and we'll be happy to take a look.
December 9, 2005 |
Ever since the TurDucKen feast at GadgetFest 2005, the meating-eating members of RainyDayKitchen have been on a mission to find great food on the web. One interesting find was The Buffalo Guys. They have an entire line of buffalo products (steaks, patties, jerky, ribs, etc...)

The shipper dropped off a huge styrofoam box at the front office yesterday afternoon. We didn't know what to make of it until we saw the TheBuffaloGuys logo. Go here to see what was inside :-)
December 3, 2005 |

Single cup machines are starting to become the "thing" and we are happy about that because here at RainyDay Magazine we love our coffee. Some of us even have a machine right in our office.

simplehuman has added a single cup pod coffee/tea brewer to their line of user-centric home products. The RainyDayKitchen folks could not wait to get their hands on one! Go check out their FirstLook and FirstUse reports now.
December 2, 2005 |
If you have not been to the BlueRoom, we urge you to go check it out. The atmosphere is relaxing, the food is superb, and the staff is fantastic!

The BlueRoom at One Kendall Square in Cambridge is having their 2nd annual lunch on Dec 15th to benefit the Lynn Shelter Association. All of the proceeds will go the the Lynn Shelter Association.
Call Nick at 617-494-9034 and tell them you heard about it at RainyDayMagazine... he'll make sure you get a great table. Ok...they are all great tables :-) RainyDayMagazine will be there. We hope you will as well.
November 8, 2005 |
The folks at RainyDayKitchen like to try recipes from different parts of the world. Sometimes there are a lot of different, uh, aromas, competing for attention. Some of it comes from the stove and some of it from the refrigerator.
We have a venting system to handle the stove. With the Oreck Air Purifier, we now have something to help us eliminate the smells from the fridge. Go see if one of these make sense for you.
November 1, 2005 |
Most of us jump start our mornings with a cup of coffee. Some of us here at RainyDay drink it all day long. But no matter when we drink our coffee, we love a fresh cup.

Kraft has made it easy to make the "perfect cup" of whatever we want (coffee, espresso, cappuccino, cafe crema, hot chocolate, and tea) with the Tassimo hot beverage machine.

The system supplied by Kraft comprised of a machine made by BrAun and beverage discs from celebrated brands such as Gevalia, Suchard, and Twinings. Go here to get a FirstLook at the Tassimo System by Kraft and here for the FirstUse review.
October 29, 2005 |
Hard boiled eggs are not that difficult to make... put some eggs in a pot of water, boil the eggs for about 10 minutes, rinse, and peel. Apparently, though, this recipe is beyond the abilities of a number of "cooks" (and we use that word loosely) interning at the RainyDayKitchen.

With the Egg&Muffin toaster's "hard boiled egg" feature, not only don't you have to hang around waiting for the water boil, you don't even have to know HOW to boil water to make great hard boiled eggs. Go here to find out how!
October 26, 2005 |
We cook our food to enhance its flavor, make it easier to digest, and to kill things that could make us sick.
One of the best way to gauge how well something has been cooked is to take its internal temperature. However, most of the temperature probe available at the typical kitchen supply stores were not designed for quick accurate readings.

The folks at RainyDayKitchen did a little research and found an interesting tool called the ThermaPen. We took a look at its basic features in the FirstLook review and how it performed in the FirstUse report.
October 19, 2005 |
In the RainyDayKitchen, folks have been blending up a storm testing out the Waring Pro Blender. They got a great looking blender a few weeks ago and have been whipping up magarita concoctions for us to try.

Yes... they know blenders can also be used to make things like soup, smoothies, etc... But apparently the folks in the RainyDayKitchen have not found any good recipes for tequila soup yet. If you have one, please send it to us!
October 17, 2005 |
The egg, sausage, and toast trio has been a breakfast staple for generations. With today's go-go-go lifestyle, sometimes it just takes too long to make a hearty breakfast.
BackToBasics has created a toaster for egg and muffin sandwich lovers to create the sandwich quickly and easily.

We at RainyDayKitchen got our hands on one. We took a look at its basic features in the FirstLook review, made some sandwiches, and checked out its ease of use in the FirstUse report. Read all about it here.
October 2, 2005 |

There is a Farmer's Market in the Roslindale commuter rail's parking lot every Saturday. One of the more interesting vendor's at the Market is PrestigeThai. They have a great collection of authentic Thai spices and sauce. They also have a great website...go check 'em out!
September 24, 2005 |

The One Sweep Broom sweeps away cat hair, dirt, and those pesky basil stems, all in one go. These things sweep away everything. And since they’re electro-static, the stuff you’re sweeping stays on the floor; there no dust clouds at all. Go read all about this "magic" broom in Carolyn's World.
Carolyn also coveted the Smart Spin Storage System, the spinning, one-top-fits-all, three-container sized, self-contained container set that is on “As Seen on TV” (yes, they have a website).

It really is about the size of a coffee maker, it really does spin, and it really pulls out for easy access. Check out what Carolyn thought of the SmartSpin here... maybe you too will find you need to reorganize your cabinets!
September 14, 2005 |
At RainyDayMagazine, some of us love fizzy water. Some like the favored stuff. Once in a while we all want a Diet Coke. Our problem is we usually don't have something for everybody because we only shop when we run out.

Well, this new machine RainyDayKitchen got from Soda Club may just change all that! The Edition 1 was designed to make fizzy water and flavored carbonated drinks, a liter at a time, at the push of a button!

Expensive? Well, after the initial cost... about 25 cents/bottle :-) The best part? You can design your own flavors!!! Go check out both the FirstLook and FirstUse reviews.
September 12, 2005 |
There are a LOT of different kinds of tea in the RainyDayKitchen. This also meant there are a lot of different tea making accessories in the drawer.

The other day, we got an item called the Teastick. It works so well, we may just toss everything else and get a bunch of them instead. Go read all about Teastick here.
August 22, 2005 |

With all the cooking that goes on at RainyDayKitchen, it is not easy keeping it clean.
A few months ago, we discovered a great method for getting clean ...or rather, a great collection of products from a company called method to help us get everything clean :-)
We have now used a few of their products around RainyDayKitchen. Method offers an entire series of cleaners for fighting grease and grime! In this RainyDayKitchen FirstLook Review, we reported on three of method's products (dish soap, all purpose spray, and hand wash). Go check it out and clean up!
August 15, 2005 |

We have a few scales in the RainyDayKitchen. Some of them are easier to use than others. None of them looked as nice as this one from Eva Solo :-)
When we first unpacked this Eva Solo kitchen scale, everyone just looked at the pieces and thought... that's all ? Where is the digital readout? Where is the power cord? What... no backup battery compartment? Go here to read RainyDayKitchen's FirstLook review of this cleverly designed Eva Solo Kitchen Scale.
August 12, 2005 |
RainyDayKitchen has been slowly moving toward stainless steel kitchen ware for a while now. We are going to start replacing things a bit faster now that we have discovered Eva Solo.
Eva Solo is a Danish company, launched in 1997, that has brought some new thinking to some very old household products. In the RainyDayKitchen FirstLook Review, we checked out the Eva Solo Garlic Press and Egg Timer.

There is no accident this garlic press and container looks like a glass and stainless steel version of a garlic bulb in bloom. This is the kind of inspired design Eva Solo brings to the kitchen table :-) Go here to read the RainyDayKitchen FirstLook/FirstUse review.

You wouldn't think there would be much to improve on an egg timer, but you would be wrong :-) Most timers these days are digital, precise to the hundredths of a second, and runs on batteries. All three of these features, while indispensible for Olympic time trials, are not really all that great for the kitchen. Go here and read why!
July 6, 2005 |
Not getting enough buzz from your morning cup of coffee? Caffeine is the major stimulant in coffee that gets us going. Too much of it can leave some of us jittery and unable to focus. Drinking too much can have other undesirable side effects.

We discovered a local MA company called Catapult Coffee making a line with "something extra" that may give us an extra boost without the other unpleasant issues. If you want to know what the "something extra" is... go check out the RainyDayKitchen review here.
We have been drinking the Dragon Roast blend for the past few days here at RainyDayMagazine. We'll drink the Dragon Roast for a week and then switch back to regular coffee. We'll let you know if we notice any difference.
April 21 , 2005 |
We did take advantage of the summer-like temperature yesterday and took a drive with the top down.

One of our favorite "summer outings" is to cruise up to Woodman's in Essex for some of their amazing fried clams!

The clams were delicious as always. We also tried the "popcorn shrimp" platter, but left unimpressed. The shrimps were too small to have any flavor and did not have enough substance to stand out from the batter. In the end, it felt like we were just eating a plate of light batter. Stick with the fried clams.

If you go and the weather permits, eat out back... the view is amazing, especially around sunset!
April 4 , 2005 |
We have been very excited about a recent restaurant find in Roslindale! It's name is Sophia's Grotto on Birch Street. You cannot see the restaurant from the street. All you see is the sign and an alley way.

However, if you make your way down the short alley, you will find yourself in a beautiful courtyard and the entrance to Sophia's. The space is intimate and the food delicious.
Most likely you will be greeted by Sonia at the door and Joe behind the bar. There is a wonderful energy in the place and it seems everyone knows everyone...which very well may be since this IS a neighborhood restaurant.

They have been doing a "soft" opening (no big announcements), but I think the word has gotten out! We can't wait until the weather is warm enough for the outside seating!
When you go, try the steak...just trust me on this. The detailed writeup on Sophia's Grotto will be on Carolyn's World sometime this week.

After a night out at the Grotto, you might want to just stay in bed the next morning. However, if for some reason you are in the mood for some Finnish baked goods to go with your coffee, check out Sweet Finnish in Jamaica Plain. Carolyn has a full write up of our visit on Carolyn's World.
March 9, 2005 |

If you love beer...and there are many reasons why you should, then you need to check out this site. These guys LOVE beer! Be sure to look for events in your neck of the woods.
March 6, 2005 |
We took a little drive up to Fort Lauderdale for the annual Las Olas Riverfront Arts and Crafts Show. There were a lot of artisans showing their work. We had heard they have all new artists each year... worth a stroll if you are already in the area. There are plenty of restaurants and cafe along the way to rest, eat, or just sit and watch.

Carolyn found an inexpensive Cuban place close to the hotel. We decide to give it a try for dinner. Great food value for the money. I think all five of us ate for what we paid for drinks during lunch yesterday.

We did manage to met up with May, my cousin who is a doctor working down here in Miami. I had forgotten to email her until the night before we left to let her know we'll be in town. May said nobody from the family visited her the entire time she was doing her residency in Houston. Now that she is in Miami, all of a sudden... people are showing up. I wonder why :-) It can't be the location...
March 5, 2005 |
The weather was beautiful today. We started early... early enough to have our pick of tables. The main pedestrian mall is on Lincoln Road. We found a nice outdoor cafe with cuban coffee and empanadas. Just enough food to get us started.
Some of the crew had hair appointments, others were looking for messages and nail/pedicure treatments. I just spent the rest of the day lounging around the pool until it was time for dinner.
March 4, 2005 |
In trying to maximize our time in South Beach, I booked us on a 6AM flight out of Boston. I soon realized that it was not that great an idea :-) It meant getting up at 3:30AM to make sure we had enough time to get to airport, check in, and get through security. It also meant we had to take the car instead of a taxi...Central Parking at Logan Airport is not bad, but it's not cheap neither. New rule...no flights before 10AM :-)

We arrived just at the tail end of a few days of rain... the clouds cleared by noon and the temperature started to climb above 70.
We knew we had some time before the rest of the crew got in, so we took the opportunity and got in some hot tub time at the hotel before lunch.
By the time Jay and Lisa arrived and we got going again, we were hungry AND thirsty! Lucky for us great dining is everywhere in South Beach! Go here for the trip report :-)
March 1, 2005 |
Some friends were in NYC from Ireland. So we drove down from Boston to join them for dinner at The River Cafe. The storm on Monday made it too messy to drive in so we took the LIRR to meet our friends. It was actually quite enjoyable not having to driving around looking for parking. The restaurant is on the Brooklyn side of the bridge on 1 Water Street. It is right on the water and almost right under the Brooklyn Bridge.
The view from the table is nothing short of spectacular. So were the martinis, the service, and the food. If you want a great dining experience with a view to match, we would highly recommend The River Cafe.

Definitely call ahead for a reservation. I can't wait to go back when it is warm out!