For our first "Perfect Cup", we chose the "regular coffee" disc. The loading process was simple, just insert, lower the clamp, and push until it locks.

We could feel a little bit of resistance as we push on the lid. We heard a little popping sound as the disc was pierced and the lid locked into place.

We inserted the filter into the water reservoir, and filled the container. We were now ready to start the brewing process!

We hit the big "Start" button and in a few seconds sounds started to eminate from the machine. About a minute later the brewing stopped and we had our first cup of coffee from the Tassimo.

Clean up was breeze...everything remained in the disc (note the holes), just pop it out of the holder and discard. How did it taste? The flavor was rich and full bodied.
We tried a few other styles... cappuccino, Earl Grey tea, Latte. They were all delicious and all were ready in less than a minute! If you want your coffee fresh, fast, and hassle free, the Tassimo System is definitely one machine that should be on the list for consideration.

We are going to invite some of our friend with $1000 machines to come try this unit out to see what they think. We'll use the Kraft Tassimo system for the next few months and let you know how it held up InTheWild. |