The IR-8200 is a little larger than most flash drives, but much smaller than the usual multi-format card readers. The advantage of having a portable card reader is you don't have to worry whether you remembered to bring along the "whatever-to-SD" adapter. With its built-in USB connector, the IR-8200 can be plugged into any available USB port.

The IR-8200 supports a bunch of different smaller formats (MMC, MMC4.0. RS MMC, RS MMC4.0, SD, MiniSD, and T-Flash). The only format this reader does not support is the larger CompactFlash cards.

The image above give a feel for the overall size of the IR-8200. It is thicker than a PCMCIA size card, but thinner and about half as wide as a Motoroal RAZR phone.
iRocks is marketing this device as a card reader...and it is certainly a good one. However, we think it is both a card reader and an upgradeable USB flash drive.

We rarely use MMC cards, but we do have plenty of SD, MiniSD, and T-Flash cards around. The design make it similar in size to many of the USB drives on the market. So instead of being stuck with a fixed sized USB flash drive, just insert a larger memory card when you need more storage...brilliant!

We really like this iRocks card reader. The IR-8200 is portable, inexpensive, and you should go get one right now. Just be sure to tell them it is because you read about it on RainyDayMagazine :-) |