One would think getting a TV out of the box would be no big thing, but a large screen LCD TV is kind of unwieldy. While not very heavy, thethe LCD TV panel is wide and thin. How do you get it out without either throwing out your back or risk dropping the TV? The last thing you want to do is to crack the screen getting it out of the box!

We could cut open the box, but what if there is something wrong with the TV and we had to ship it back? We could wait until there were more people around to help, but that would require patience. After waiting all day for the delivery guy to show up and the unit to finally arrive, the first thing you would want to do is to get it out of the box, right?

The safest and simplest way was to lay the box flat on the ground, open both the top and the bottom, and push the TV out. The reason for pushing it out the bottom is so the corner pads will not fall off during the process. If you try pulling the TV out, the unit will likely slide off the pads and fall onto the floor. Once the TV is out, just remove the two pads supporting the bottom of the TV and stand the unit up. At this point, you can plug it in, get a beer, and start watching TV. It is the only responsible thing to do as you need to make sure that it works. At least until someone appears to help you move it to its final destination...

As to what to do with the container, the pads, and the cover? Don't just put it out with the trash! Post it on Craigslist. Someone must need a giant cardboard box! [Permalink] - Unpacking an LCD TV