The first installment of the wildly successful Harry Potter film series opened in 2001. The last in the series will open tomorrow. Muggles and wizards everywhere will be flocking to the theaters. We expect the lines to be insane all weekend long. Popular time slots have been sold out for over a week.

The Harry Potter films have grossed over $6 billion dollars worldwide as of the 2011. To give it a little perspective, the series surpassed the box office totals of all 22 James Bond films and the six Star Wars movies by the fifth installment in the series.
- Philosophers/Sorcerers Stone - November 16, 2001
- Chamber of Secrets - November 15, 2002
- Prisoner of Azkaban - June 4, 2004
- Goblet of Fire - November 18, 2005
- Order of the Phoenix - July 11, 2007
- Half Blood Prince - July 15, 2009
- The Deathly Hallows - November 19, 2010
We have covered previous Harry Potter movie premiers and book releases before (HP6, HP7), but nothing will compare to this last event. Harry Potter fans will be out in force for the final episode of this story. We expect this last one to add another billion or more to the total take when its run is through.

The Harry Potter story line spans a seven year period (age 11 to 17). The growth of characters Harry, Ron, and Hermione were paralleled by the maturation of actors Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson as they grew from children to adults. An entire generation of kids grew up right along with them. There has simply never been anything like this before and it will be a LONG TIME before we will see anything like it again.

If we had planned properly, we would have timed it so we would have finished listening (again) to the audio book series by today. However, as we did not, we are going to spend the time between now and tomororw morning re-watching all of the previous six movies. We should be done with time to spare for a shower and breakfast before the 11:40AM show :-) [Permalink] - Getting ready for HP7.2